Chapter 3-Creepy Hospital

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Tuesday Morning

Another day of borning work. I thought as I walked through the door. Mr.Jakel isn't here today either. There was a note on the counter from him that said, 'Billy will be in today and I'm going to the book festival for the rest of this week to get books for our invitory. Have a good week bye...oh and you get Friday off too. Love Mr.Jakel.

"Yes!" I shouted. I sat down on the stool behind the counter and got out my iphone. In checked Twitter.

There wasn't anything new on there with Hot Chelle Rae so I shut it off.

The bell on the door dinged. "Five minutes late." I said as I watched the brown haired boy walk over and plop down on the stool next to me. There was something wrong with him.

"What's wrong?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders. "Come on you can tell me anything." I said. He sighed. "One of my friends got in a car wreck and is in a coma the docters say she's not gonna make it." He almost wispered. I hugged him. "Billy I'm's not Rachel is it?" Rachel is Billys girlfriend.

He started crying. "Yes." He wispered. "I'm really sorry...there's still a1 chance she can make it anything can happen." I said trying to make him feel better. "Skylar I'm glad your trying to cheer me up but please don't I don't wanna get my hopes up." He said. This was the exact opposite of Billy he was always positive and happy. I feel so bad for him.

He was in love with her. He gave her a promise ring and everything. He is sure she is the one. It's actually really amazing they have been dating a year they're only 19 and they are sure that they want to be together forever.

"Hey how about you go home." I suggested. "No...I c-can't I'll j-just worry and be alone...I'd r-rather be here and w-worry." He said through tears. I sat there and rubbed his back. I just hope Rachel is okay.

The bell dinged and in walked a boy with black hair he had glasses and was really tall. He looked over at us. He opened his mouth to say something but I shook my head and he closed it and started looking for books.

I hugged Billy again and I told him everything would be fine.

Later that day

I got out of my car at the hospital I had followed Billy here. I walked over by his car and waited for him to get out. He slowly crawled out of the car.

"I don't think I can do this." He wispered.

I put my arm around him. "Yes you can." I said reasurringly.

We walked in and into the hospital. I shivrered a bit I've always hated hospitals. He led me to an elveator and pushed the seven. We stood in the elevator in silence the occasional sniffle form Billy. The door opened and we walked out. We walked up to a desk. "H-hi we're h-here to see R-Rachel Calloway." Billy stuttered. The lady nodded and she said she was in room 257. We walked down the sickly white hallway. Billy's face was almost the same color as the wall. We got to the room. He looked down and didn't move.

I opened the door slowly and quietly. I pulled him in. There laid are really skinny blonde haired girl attached to millions of machines. She had stitches in her head and arm. Her left leg was in a cast and she had a neck brace. I heard Billy sniffle. He looked over at him he broke down and fell to the ground. He didn't look like himself. His usally shiny brown hair was dull. His eyes that were usally sparkeling and bright were dull too. I picked him up and stood him on his feet but he remained limp so I drug him over to a chair. and sat him in it.

I pushed him up to the bed and pulled a chair up next to him. He didn't look up he just sat there with his head in his hands. We sat there for a few in silence for a few minutes.

"Rachel...I love you so much you mean the world to me. Your my everything and your my happiness my life I just really love you more than you know. I don't know if your gonna make it or not the docters won't but...but I'm not gonna l-lose h-hope please Rachel wake up." He said. I was crying and I didn't even notice till I saw him lean over the bed and kiss her. I wish I could make him feel better.

"I'm gonna got to the bathroom." I said. He nodded and continued to hold Rachels hand. I walked out of the room. I walked over to a docter. "Um...docter can I ask you a question?" I asked.

He turned around and said yes. "Do you think that Rachel Calloway will live?" I asked queitly.

He sighed and looked sad. He sat down on a chair and patted the one next to him.

He sighed again.

"Uh we don't know yet she is injured badly and some of the docters say she won't make it till tomorrow but she has gotten better since this morning." He said.

"So you guys don't know." I stated.

He nodded. I sighed. "Thanks." I said sadly. "Your welcome." He said.

I got up and went into the hospital room Rachel was in. Billy was there rubbing her hand.

"I have to go Billy I'm really sorry I can't stay I have work tomorrow." I said.

"It's fine." He said as I went over and hugged him. I looked at Rachel. "You can do it Rachel." I said. Then I said bye and walked out. The hallway was deserted now. I went to the elevator and pushed the down button. It didn't open right away but went it did out walked Rachels parents. I gave them both hugs and told them that Billy was in there. I got in the elevator it stopped at floor two.

I watched the person walk in he was really quiet he was wearing white baggy pants and a trenchcoat and some sunglasses. He didn't even look at me he kept staring at his feet.


The elevator opened and we both walked out.  He was leaving too. I wanted to say something to him but I kept my mouth shut he didn't seem very talkitive. I walked to my car. That was really weird.


Here it is peoples XD

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