Chapter 2-Mysterious Man Monday

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Friday Night


I plopped down on the couch I didn't have anything to do tonight so I figured I'd watch some t.v.

I put it on the pay per view channels. I looked through all the movies. Before chosing.

I chose the 'Zombie Land' one.

I started watching it I've seen it before. It wasn't scary at all.

I fell asleep about halfway through the movie.



I woke up hanging over the edge of the couch. It wasn't very comfortable. I sat up and grabbed my phone. There was a text for Crystal. It said, "Get on Twitter now and look at Nashes page!"

I ran to my room...okay okay I stumble jogged to my room and grabbed my laptop and I stumble jogged back out to the couch.

I quickly logged into Twitter and went to Nashes page like Crystal had demanded.

I read one of the post by Nash.

Ran into an ex-best friend aid hi trying to be all friendly and he wasn't happy to see me at all...he fist was overjoyed though it was so happy if left a few bruises.

I frowned and looked at the next post it was a link to a picture. I clicked it.

My jaw dropped. His face was black and blue and he had a bloody lip. The caption said, 'Thank you Ryan I have been told that blue was a good color on me :)'

Suddenly a new coment poped up on the picture it was from Ian.

Nash nothing looks good on you! You look like a train ran over you head.

One from Jamie poped up.

Wow Ryan I can do a way better job...fuck a baby could do a better job.

I decided to post a status.

Skylar Debson @jellybeanshowIroll

I am so confused at what happened between #hcr I wish someone would just tell us already :(

Crystal retweeted it.

I really wish I knew.



I made it to work today just in time I'm usally late on Mondays which sucks.

I walked through the glass door. Mr.Jakel greeted me with a hug. "Hi Sky how's your morning?" He asked. "Fine." I replied as I went behind the counter. "Vicky is on her way you to will have to hold the shift today cause I'm gonna be gone to go help at the gerocery store." He said.

Just then the door open which made the bell on the door ding. Vicky was her.

She had her black hair in a ponytail and she had alot of purple eye shadow around her bright green eyes. "Vicky!" He said as he hugged her. "Mr.Jakel." She said as she hugged him back.

"I have to go to the gerocery store down the street and help out." He said to her. She smiled and said bye have fun.

As soon as he left she turned to me. She put her hands in the air and said "Party!"

I laughed. "Not a very big party." I stated looking around. She laughed.

"Did you see what happened to Nash on Twitter?" She asked.

"Yea I can't believe Ryan did that to him." I said.

"Yea me too and did you know that Nash wants to take Ryan to court for it?" She asked.

"No is he gonna?" I asked.

"Yea he has the date already set up it's sometime next week." She answered.

"Damn I wish I knew what happened to them." I said.

"Yea." She said.

She sat down beside me.

"It definatly has to be bad cause Jamie and Ryan don't even talk anymore they haven't for three years." She said.

I heard the bell ding but I didn't look over I was too interested in our conversation.

"Yea brothers don't just do that. Maybe Jamie did something or Ryan maybe cause Jamie did say that a baby could mess Nash up worse than he did." I said.

"But Ryan beat up Nash so Nash had to be involved too." She stated.

"Oh yea and Ian did say some mean things to Nash too." I added.

"I'm just confused cause they all hate eachother so it must have been sll of them." She said.

"Me too." I agreed.

Just then the person who walked in started having a coughing fit. Our heads snapped over towards a really skinny man wearing an oversized hoodie with really baggy pants and a red hat with some huge glasses. He had a mustach too. "You okay sir?" I asked.

"Yea." He said nervously and nodding and not looking at us. He's weird.

I turned back to Vicky and sighed.

"I just wish they would tell us because it would be so less confusing and so many upset fans might understand. Like we know nothing now all we know is that they hate eachother. We need to know why cause it makes it harder if we don't know." I said.

"I've googled it many times and I have found nothing." Vicky stated.

"Me too there is nothing on what happened." I added

It was then I realized the man was listen to our conversation. It was weird.

He continued to look at books but ones close to up front so he could hear us.

I continued on like I didn't know or care.

"I mean what is so bad that makes brothers not talk to eachother?" She asked

"I don't know I mean seriously they go off on us on Twitter for asking them what happened all we want is an explination to why our favorite band broke up. I mean they were my only happiness their music would make me feel still does and." I was cut off by the man dropping a book on the counter.

Vicky grabbed it and rung it up. It was a book for guitars it was an advanced level too.

"Thanks." He said quietly as Vicky handed him the bag. We both smiled at him but he never looked at us. "Your welcome." She said as he turned around.

I waited for nim to walk out the door. "He was stalking our conversation." I said like a tattling five year old. She laughed. "Stalking eh? Yea I know he was kinda weird." She said as she made a face.


I hopped into bed ready for sleep I was tired but I was just really creeped out about the man at the book store he was just so...secertive. I don't know get scared easily anyways so it was nothing.


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