13 - Thoughts

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Previously, Aryan and Imlie came home after Imlie got discharged from the hospital. And we saw some cute moments between them!

I'm really sorry for late updates. Will try to update the chapters regularly!!

Next chapter is here, do share your views!!

Thankyou :-)


Narmada sat on the sofa, which was placed in her room's balcony - the other room in which only she went. She sipped her wine slowly. The moon was shining brighter today. The air was cooler and it was a perfect weather.

She smiled coldly and threw her head back as she remembered the way Imlie fainted. The interaction between the three of the children, did not get unnoticed by her.

She was standing right behind one of the curtains there and witnessed and heard each and everything happened.

She noticed Imlie carefully, how her reactions changed as she saw Aditya standing in front of her. The kind of fear in her eyes was something, Narmada wished to see due to her.

She was amazed by the sight. Imlie, the girl who afraid nothing was shivering due to a man and that too, by her husband standing beside her.

She was sure that Aryan knew nothing about Imlie and Aditya's history. She didn't know either but she wished to find about it. And for that, she had to contact Aditya, that bastard Pankaj's son.

They knew the Tripathi's from a long time. They were riavls, afterall. And working with Aditya was not going to be easy for her.

She took another sip of her wine, and thought about the conversation they had through phone, earlier.

"Hello, is this Aditya Tripathi's number?" Narmada spoke, softly.

"Yes, you are talking to him. Who is that?" Aditya spoke coldly.

"This is Narmada Singh Rathore. I'm glad, I got the right number." She said, while laughing harshly.

"Why did you want my number? And how did you get that?" Aditya enquired.

"I have sources, Aditya. Anyways, I want to meet you tomorrow. Are you free?" She asked him, straight.

"Yes, I'm free tomorrow maybe. Why do you want to meet me? Something special?" He asked, smirking.

"Ah, don't get your hopes up baby boy. Let's just meet tomorrow and I will tell you everything." She said, frustrated.

He is such a son a bi*ch, just like his father.

"Okay, I will text you the time and place. Have a goodnight Mrs. Rathore, see you tomorrow. " He said, cutting the call.

Tables have turned Aryan and Imlie. You both won't be living happily ruining my baby's life. Due to you two, he is suffering. I won't spare you! I will make sure to make your lives hell.

She promised herself and went to her bedroom to sleep peacefully, before tomorrow's storm.


Imlie stirred in her sleep as bright rays of sun entered the room through curtains. As she tried to move a bit, she felt something heavy of her stomach.

Why the hell this blanket feels so heavy?

She slowly turned and opened her eyes to see what was bothering her, only to find a sleepy Aryan behind her with his arm over her stomach.

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