Sorry about the wait! 😓

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Okay as it says sorry about the wait, okay have a quick well not pretty much like not a quick explanation of why I haven't been writing. TikTok, going to hospital for a week, mentally and physically not okay, classes um sleepovers, losing motivation with ideas also I'm nearly dying myself and I'm not joking about that. And it's not for attention because it is the truth.

Coming out as Non-binary(and yes it was a stress) losing motivation on ideas that could help. Erm some things that I don't want to say. And that's pretty much it for my explanation on what has been going on....

But yeah I'm back, and I think I know how the next chapter is going to go. So be prepared. Also I might or might not do an ask or dare on TikTok or here. Soooo Yeah. Anyways bye.👋 ^^

P.S Tomedd4life from TikTok sorry for the long wait and also you had to read this you didn't have to if you didn't want to but I'm gonna write the next chapter! Hopefully you enjoy it! Bye 👋 ^^

Forgotten Hope (An original Tomedd Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora