Part.20 To regret to not regret

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~Tord's POV~ -Next day-
So I decided I was going to get a tattoo and obviously I know what I'm going to get. I already told Edd that I was going to get on, plus he was fine with that, only if I got him a ten cans of Cola.... is it that obvious he'd say that. He's like a needy child sometimes, but at least he's working his ass off.

~Edd's POV~
I had woken up to the sound of my alarm realising I was late for work but feeling shitty as fuck, I don't know if I have a cold or not or just plain tiredness.
You know what, I'll call in sick today since I feel like it and I don't regret it. But also I'm wondering "where the fuck is Matt?" Because sometimes when I'm not at work he normally gets lost when I'm around him just like a child basically. I'm just going call Tord and tell him I'm staying home.

~Matt's POV~
Where am I? "Ugh" I feel like I'm going to pass out but I'm not even tired... The last thing I saw well someone was Tom running away... "why am I holding a knife?" Better toss it in the bin, it's useless anyways for me... but I just feel weird, like I've lost myself in someway and how? I don't know... Only thing I've got to do now is get back home safely.

~Tom's POV~
Head still hurts but I'm something else.... I guess I got drunk last night after thinking about what happened, yeah definitely... I grab my phone and start it up and straightaway I see a hundred text messages from Tord... wow "Why did it have to be him? And who brought me into the house?" That's one thing that's going to question me.
Every few seconds a notification comes up from the game from him from every app I use. Then I spot something, a tracker app "Wow..." Did Tord hack into my phone or something? Well I guess it's for the best. I regret walking around the street...

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