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I woke up the next morning still cuddling Joshua. It was late morning and I decide to go to there kitchen to get some water. I'll wait until Josh is up before eating.

I went to the kitchen and when I stepped inside the door closed behind me. I look at the door strangely and got myself some water. When I turn around to exit. Chan walked in with a notebook and a pen. Oh no. This can't be good.

"Good morning. I advice you to please take a seat me and the Hyungs are going to be asking you some questions. Always answer honestly." He said.

I had to force myself not to laugh. See his formal introduction is very good don't get me wrong, but his English accent is also very cute.

"So we will begin now. What is your full name?" Ha asked me while looking at me with a blank face. I have no idea how I am supposed to feel about this.

"Mia Sheryingston." I told him. He looked at me when he heard my surname.

"Spell please." He asked in such a cute voice how am I not supposed to find cute. Like seriously.

"M-I-A S-H-E-R-Y-I-N-G-S-T-O-N." I spelled out for him. He looked slightly confused but carried on any way.

"Where are you from. Full description please." Full description? I am confused but okay? Not gonna asked to many questions.

"I am from Liyue. It's a small coastal town on a Island between South-Africa and Australia." I said. He looked at me like he couldn't believe what I was saying. He wrote what I said down while nodding.

"Occupa- ocu- huh? What is this word? Oc-cu-pa-tion? Occu-pation. Occupation?" He asked while looking at the paper when he looked up he gave me such a cute pout it hard not to coo at him. I chuckled softly at him.

"I'm an author." I was honest. I just haven't written anything in years. He looked at me then nodded again and stood up. Great were done. I was ready to stand up when Vernon came in. Wearing his tie dye shirt.

How on earth am I supposed to take this dude seriously with that on. He looks so huggable.

"Thank you for your time. But Vernon will be taking over now. And one last thing." He said while standing right in front of me. I looked me straight into the eyes and said, "Your confusing but I approve." And then gave me a iconic smile before leaving me alone with Vernon.

"So as you can see we are interrogating you today." He said trying to be as intimidating as one can be in a bright rainbow tie dye. And I am pretty sure he realized this or he doesn't really wanted to look super scary. He probably could if he really wanted.

"Okay my first question for you is what are your personal goals in life." He asked me in a straight face

"Personally it's personal." I told him trying to keep a straight face. I could see him trying as well. That was probably not a good answer but that's fine.

"Okay. Good answer. Any siblings?" He struggled to keep it within himself.

"Nope." I said and he nodded his head while writing it down. I then see Seungkwan coming in. With a tangerine in his hand and a bright smile.

"Goodbye for now." He said and then walked out.

"Okay. Well hello there." He greeted. He sounded happy today. Which is good.

"Hello." I created back evenly friendly.

"Okay so as you know I have questions. Only 2 but I have questions." He said. I have to admit their English are extremely good.

I just nodded my head with a smile at him. He looks at the notepad and frowns a bit before smiling brightly again. He looked at me.

"So Mia? Okay firstly I just want to say I love your answer from Vernon. I would have said the same. Any way my first Question. How close are you with our Shua Hyung?" He asked.

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