chapter 2

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~After School~

I was outside of the school on my phone waiting on Clay since he told me to wait for him, after what seemed like forever Clay came running out with two other people, one had brown hair and gray eyes along with along with a colorful hoodie with a spiral the other had black hair a black long sleeve with a white shirt with a fire logo on it "George!!!!" Clay came up running and hugged me which caused me to let out a soft chuckle, he soon let go and he turned to his two friends "George this is Nick and Karl my two friends!" "Hi-" I said not gonna lie I was nervous "Hi!! I'm Karl!! Karl Jacobs!!" The other brunette said smiling, he was hyper like really hyper, he gave off good vibes "Don't mind Karl- I'm Nick or Sapnap" Nick had butted in they both seemed fun "Nice to meet you both-" I said giggling a bit they were all so different yet alike at the same time, "Well let's go!!" Clay piped up and grabbed my hand as he led us to the cafe nearby the rich houses.

~At the Cafe~

We were sitting in the back of the cafe away from everyone and Clay went to go get the drinks and some little snacks for Karl and Nick but he called them lovebirds but they don't seem to mind like at all, Clay soon came back giving Karl and Nick their drinks and snack before he handed me my drink "Thanks Dream" I said smiling and went ahead taking a drink, Clay sat down and we both started talking and joking mean while Nick was flirting with Karl but he would also flirt with Clay and I, we all knew he was just playing but it was funny.

~Time Skip~

Nick and Karl walked home after we said our goodbyes and I started to walk home drinking another coffee when Clay decided to join me just because he wanted to see where I lived and he wanted to talk more, we soon got to my house and the sun was setting "Clay it's getting pretty late- wanna stay here tonight?" I asked facing Clay "Sure" He said, shrugging and as soon as I opened the door my parents looked at me "George there you are! Where were you!? And who's that!?" "calm down- I was at the cafe and this is Clay" I looked completely unfazed of how they were asking me these things and just grabbed Clay's hand and I dragged him to my room "Your parents are weird-" Clay said "agreed-" I said and put my coffee down and I took my hoodie off just showing the crop top I had on and some scars the main reason why I was homeschooled, "woah- what how'd you get those scars?" Clay asked from behind me "I got them when I was younger- I was in I think kindergarten and this kid had brought something sharp and kept stabbing me with it-" I said and just walked over and sat on my bed next to Clay "Aw poor Gogy!" He said, giving me a nickname and he hugged me "weirdo-" I chuckled at him, he was like a golden retriever and I just met him, Though I did end up hugging him back.

~Time Skip~

The morning came, my alarm wasn't working for some reason and my parents are already at work meanwhile Clay and I are still asleep, not knowing were late now, Not long after I woke up groaning a bit from the sunlight hitting me straight in the face, I looked over and it was 12:50 "Fuck were late-" I muttered and Clay woke up and pulled me closer to him "Dream!" "no-" He muttered and he was just holding me close "Were late, we need to go" "No- we can miss 1 day it won't hurt-" He said holy his morning voice is hot "Fine-" I gave in.

Status: Ongoing

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