chapter 3(Staying home)

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Clay POV

After an hour I woke up again but I got out of bed stretching and I looked back at George who was still sound asleep which made my heart melt, I took this time to walk around his house mostly for the kitchen because i'm hungry, I finally found the kitchen and I fixed myself some food when I felt something rub against my leg and I jumped but when I look down there was a small gray and white cat, my heart melted because I am a cat person, I carefully picked up the feline and held it in my arms as it purred but then George walked in "Clay?" He asked while yawning "Morning Gogy!" I said smiling while holding the feline in my arms "Morning Clay- Morning Luka-" He walked over to me and leaned on me slightly while petting the feline he had called Luka, we stayed like that for a while until Luka jumped out of my arms and George just hugged me, I chuckled a little and hugged back "Clingy much?" "Shut up-" he muttered, nuzzling his face into my chest for comfort. I was still hungry but I was kinda stuck like this because George was clinging onto me. I'm not complaining though.

After a while we moved to the couch and were just watching a movie. George was lying on me though he was focused on the movie. I had got my food so it's a win-win, I got my hunger solved and George is comfy "Hey George what do you wanna do?" I asked "Hmmm I just wanna sleep-" "of course you do- wanna move to your bedroom" I asked and he looked at me nodded and he got off and turned to me grabbed my hand and pulled me off the couch and then he just dragged me to his room but I just let him.

We soon got to his room and George let go of my hand and he walked over and got on his bed and he did grabby hands at me so I walked over and got in with him, in which he pulled me close and rested in nuzzled into the my chest, I'm just letting him, I mean not like I could refuse anyways since I'm trapped by George and I don't want to wake him up.

Status: ongoing

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