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Dear Someone I Vibed With,

I've decided to write this down because my thoughts are so scattered. I will probably never share this with you but it's important for me to write it down.

I wish I could experience the full impact of being in love without being judged or even feeling guilty for it. But I know that can never happen because my family would never approve. Sometimes I think that's unfair. And it really hurts me but I think I'm slowly making peace with that.

I've never been in love before. I've never cared for boys before, at least not like this. In a way that is scary and overwhelming. But the truth is that I could love someone like you. You're smart, funny and sweet.

A part of me also thinks that my feelings aren't real. And that the way I currently feel will pass. Perhaps I'm just feeling lonely. Or I feel like I'm missing out on something big when I see my friends be in relationships. If that is case, I don't think it's okay for me to lead you on just cause I'm bored or crave male validation. 

I'm worried to share these thoughts with you. Because it's not fair for me to play with your feelings like that. You deserve to be someone who cares about you and makes your heart skip a beat.

I'm slowly moving on from you but can't help but mourn the future we could have together.

A Hopeless Romantic

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