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(Week 4)

Meggy screamed in rage, throwing her Splattershot on the floor. Sweat ran down her brow as she collapsed on her knees.

It had only been 5 minutes since she started training, but she was already exhausted. Her chest burned like her heart was about to explode, all her clothes were sweaty and she felt like she was about to pass out.

A hand trailed over her belly. She found a small bump, but thankfully still not big enough that she couldn't still hide it. But it was still clearly having an effect on her body.

She dragged herself to her feet, grabbing her splatter shot from the floor. Furrowing her brow, she wiped sweat off her head and decided to call it an early day.


Unsurprisingly, she arrived back at her apartment with Tari sitting at her front door. Ever since she realised Meggy was carrying her child, she'd been showing up with gifts and apology cards for the past week. 

The case wasn't different here, having a teddy bear and another card in her hands.The girl heard her coming down the hall and jumped up.

Tari: Meggy!

She ran and hugged Meggy, lightly so s not to crush her.

Tari: There you are! For a second, I thought you were ignoring me and just not answering the door.

Meggy: No, I just...went out training.

Tari: Training!?

Meggy: Please, it's not that big a deal.

She shoved her way past Tari and unlocked her door, throwing her Splattershot on her kitchen counter as Tari followed her in.

Tari: Meggy, you know I'm just looking out for you. I feel like you shouldn't be pushing as you used to be able too.

Meggy: Tari, it's fine! I'm looked it up, Pregnancy lasts nine months and it's only been 4 weeks. Far as I'm concerned, I've got plenty of time.

Tari looked skeptical as Meggy opened her fridge to get a bottle of instant noodles. Of course, Tari came closer and suddenly pulled up her shirt to look at her belly.

Meggy: What the-!? Tari, get off me!

Tari: Meggy, you say your 4 weeks look 4 months!

Meggy: (Backs away) First off, never do that again! Second of all, how would you even know that?

Tari: I read a parenting book, sue me.

Meggy rolled her eyes as she slumped on her couch and flipped a channel on. She growled in annoyance when Tari stood in front of the screen.

Tari: Meggy, please listen to me! This isn't normal.

Meggy: Yeah, I figured that out when I found out you got me knocked up.

Tari: So don't you think with that, it's not out of consideration that you could be...progressing faster?

Meggy opened her mouth to yell back at her, but she went silent as she thought it through. Nothing about this whole thing is natural, maybe...Tari had a point. She was afraid if she was right, but...

Meggy: (Sigh) Okay, I'll book a doctor's appointment. But if this ends up with you being simply hysterical, I don't wanna hear another word on it!

Tari breathed a sigh of relief and nodded, that was all she needed to hear.

(The next day...)

Tari arrived with a smile, back with more flowers as she knocked on the door.

Tari: Meggy! I'm here with flowers, I just wanna see what the doctor-


The door creaked open. It was unlocked.

Tari gulped nervously. Last time they'd found Meggy's door unlocked in the middle of the day, Francis had-

She shook her head to not relive that memory, walking through the door and hearing sniffling. Upon finding Meggy curled on the couch and sobbing, she dropped the flowers and ran over to her.

Tari: Meggy! What's wrong, are you okay?

She looked up, eyes red and teary.

Tari: something wrong with the baby-?

Meggy: You were right.

Tari: Huh?

Meggy: The doctor did a scan and...he said I looked 4 Months as well. And you and I...y'know...had that night 4 weeks ago.

Tari: So, does that mean-?

Meggy: For every week, I progress a month in pregnancy. I don't know how, probably some crap about how I used to be an inkling...

Tari sat on the couch next to her and put a hand around her shoulders.

Meggy: Everything's moving so fast and I can't keep up...I...I'm scared Tari...

Tari: I...I'm scared too Meggy. I'm scared all the time.

Meggy leaned her head on Tari, the latter stroking her hair for comfort.

Meggy: What are we going to do...?

Tari wanted to answer back but...honestly, she didn't know either.

All she could do now was be someone for Meggy to hold, hugging her as she silently cried into the darkness...

To be continued...

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