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(Week 3)

Meggy was in shock for the rest of the week, her mind constantly asking questions. How could this happen? Why did she choose to drink in the first place? Who was the other parent of this baby?

And what about her baby? Does she raise it? Give it away for adoption? How does a Splatfest competitor train while raising a child? Abortion was out of the question, not having the heart to end an unborn life.

A seemingly temporary reprieve for her grief came when Shroomy invited her and a few of the gang out for a trip as his special camp. She felt like she needed a getaway and a chance to clear her head.

Besides, how could things get worse?


From the moment she arrived, the tension in the air could be cut by a knife. It was the time she'd seen Tari since her drunken night.

Meggy vaguely remembered hearing Tari helping her home and offered a smile, but...Tari seemed distanced for some reason. Anytime their eyes met, Tari blushed and looked at something else.

Meggy just kept wondering, what had she done wrong?


As expected, Mario was the first to snag a cabin, throwing himself through the window of the first cabin. Axol followed and so did Bowser, using an excuse that he snored loudly.

Once they got in the cabin is where things started to escalate...

Saiko: So, you two ready to crush those idiots at Shroomy's game?!

Tari: Uh, y-yeah?

Meggy: Just out of curiosity, what...what is the game again?

Saiko: Pfft, I don't know. I think it was something about a mountain climb.

Dread filled Meggy's heart. What if she fell and hurt herself? Of worse, lost the baby? She needed a way outta this.

Meggy: Uh, uh...I-!

Saiko: Hey Meggy, you alright?

Meggy: Uh, well...I was thinking I could just stay back for today? I'm...really not feeling that good.

Tari looked in suspicion.

Saiko: Oh cmon, you look as healthy as a horse. Your not afraid of some light climbing, are ya?

Meggy had cold sweat as she tried to think of something. Her throat hitched...but not for the same reason.

For the first time, she was thankful for the morning sickness as she grabbed ahold of a bin and her insides were expelled to Tari's and Saiko's shock and disgust.

Meggy: (Coughs) You believe me now?

Saiko: Wow, I...guess you really aren't that well. I'll tell Shroomy you're out for today and see if he can schedule something smaller tomorrow.

Meggy smiled at Saiko as she flopped back against the bed.

But Tari just looked at her oddly, knowing something was off.


The others left for the game thing, leaving Meggy alone as she took a moment to empty the bin and get some rest.

She had finally gotten some good sleep when she heard a door creaking as someone walked in. She leant up in suprise at who it was.

Meggy: Tari?

Tari: Yeah, feeling better?

Meggy: Uh...kinda? Hey, where's Saiko?

Tari: Oh, we...won the challenge against the guys and she said she was gonna go mock them some more.

Meggy: Yeah, that sounds like Saiko.

She flopped back against the pillows as Tari sat on her bedside.

Tari: Are you...sure your okay?

Meggy: What are you talking about? I'm fine!

Tari: I know but...something still seems off.

Afraid her well spun web was coming undone, she sat up to sit next to Tari.

Meggy: T-Tari, your talking crazy! I'm pretty sure it's just a stomach bug.

Tari: Yeah, second you look perfectly fine and the next, your lunch is going in that bin.

Meggy: Well-

Tari: Your shirt looks tighter then usual, your always putting a hand over your stomach and...I haven't seen you in weeks!

Meggy: Tari, I'm telling you it's-!

Tari silenced her with a hand on the shoulder.

Tari: Meggy...are you...pregnant?

She knew. Her attempts at hiding were in vain. Even if she ran away right now, she'd get lost in the woods and still be outed.

Tears filled her eyes as she started to sob to herself. Just seeing her start to sob was Tari's answer as her eyes went wide.

Meggy (Sobbing): I...I don't know how or why! I don't even know who the dad is or...or how it happened or-

She only realised now that Tari was staring off into space, her face frozen. Concerned, she shook her.

Meggy: Tari? Are you listening to me?

Tari snapped out of it, standing suddenly as she walked in circles.

Tari: Oh god, oh god, oh no! What have I done, this is all my fault?! I should've backed off, I should've-

Meggy: Tari, calm down! Your not making any sense-!

Tari: Meggy, I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry!

She fell on her knees as Meggy did the same to be on her level.

Meggy: Tari, just...speak to me...

Tari's breaths came out in shudders, trying to speak.

Tari: Well...the night drunk. I came to help you home started saying all these things...

Meggy looked confused at first, then her eyes went wide as she caught on.

Meggy: Tari...are you saying you...stayed the night?

Tari: I think...we did more then that.

Meggy looked completely shocked, unable to speak.

Tari:'s my fault your pregnant.

Meggy stood and stumbled as she tried to understand everything, her vision blurring as she felt her heart beating a thousand beats a second.

She felt like she was about to pass out, before something warm wrapped around her. Tari held Meggy in a hug as they both had silent tears in their eyes and tried not to let them fall.

Meggy: H-how is this even possible?! We're both girls! It shouldn't-I can't...

Tari: I'm so sorry Meggy...

Meggy: No...this is all my fault. I've just been feeling so down about Desti and when I saw that bottle, I-

Tari hugged her tighter.

Tari: It's both of our faults Meggy...but i know we'll fix everything.

To be continued...

Fast moving familyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon