Where YouR Arms BecKoN....

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The bitter past

Part 1

The CEO of Wang company dealt with exclusive photographs and lauching talents and rewarding them highly. So for photographers getting noticed by Wang industries was an achievement that was no less than being their art getting displayed in louvre.

The Wang industry was renowned for encouraging true talent and being unbiased.

And this was such a day when general photographs by random people were exhibitioned in the gallery and it was told the CEO would pick and choose the most promising ones.


Lan Zhan stepped inside his room and gave a glance at his schedule. His secretary Miss Patty an American by birth came and informed him about the exhibition and his daily meetings. Lan Zhan gave a nod at the end and signed her to follow him.

They soon arrived at the gallery on the 9th floor as Miss Patty at each photo mentioned the name of the photographer and the category it had participated for. Lan Zhan listened with complete attention as he moved forward from each to the next. It didn't take him much time as he had an inner perspicacity with photographic knowledge and his father to his employees all knew it. He had a rare gift of observation and sixth sense about fine arts. He even had a small organisation of his own that was promoting young artists who doesn't have money but only talent to showcase.

Lan Zhan himself was an extremely excellent Piano player. Whoever heard him play has agreed his music could usher the gods and fairies from heaven. His fingers moved over the keys as if in ecstasy, but few could have that fateful chance of watching him play. It was rumoured that he only played for his close one's and family. He wasn't interested in public concerts, which he could have easily arranged if he wanted to since not only because he belonged to the superior Lan family but also because he was well known in a short time for being an all rounder in everything he ventured upon and set his mind to achieve.

He was a gift. A rare man with extraordinary talent. And a most sought after bachelor for the said reasons, apart from being extremely handsome. It's a pity though for all the proposals that came his way,  went unacknowledged. He never had any inclination towards any of the women who aspired to be his wife or girlfriend.

He was aloof and there was always a distant look in his eyes and those who knew him better, could see the loneliness in them. But no one dared to ask, for they knew him to be a private person and hence they waited patiently. They hoped one day he would reach out to them and would open up the very emotion that was bothering him.

Lan Zhan came in front of a Photo because his secretary remained mum like a doll and only could clear her voice several times when he finally had to look up from the page he was marking on.

His eyebrows knitted and then there was a sudden flame of recognition in those brilliantly captivating golden orbs.

He knew , knew this person who has tormented him for years. One look at the photograph and he could tell from the light and shade and the angle, who would be capable enough to capture a face so artistically. It could be only Him.

The person he has waited to take his rightful revenge upon . The one who took his sleep away and left him flagged and misspent.

Lan Zhan stared at the photograph which had him captured in an intimidating posture, looking at the Hudson River in a long grey winter coat.

He well remembered it since he went to London a year back for a family reunion with his sister and her husband. It was a secret holiday visit, and he wondered how that man not only came to know about it but also had the time and opportunity at his disposal to take a close shot of Lan Zhan without him being aware of it .

In spite of all the bitterness and displeasure accumulating his cold heart for years, Lan Zhan smiled. A smile that was not only mysterious and wistful but also gave away the glint and fire in his eyes. "I want to meet the photographer. Appoint a meeting at the earliest. If he denies , propose high opportunity for his collections. Don't offer money. He is not the type to go for it. Apart from that do anything and everything to bring him at my office. "

Miss Patty could only stiffen at the tone of her boss for the dangerous edge it held. She had not heard in the past 10 years since he joined, speak him in such manner. She was bothered for the man and his fate for some unknown reason, she felt her boss held some ulterior motive and though she was unaware of what it was, yet she prayed for that young man's wellbeing.

"Do it as soon as possible. "
Miss Patty gave a hasty nod until she was excused.


Later at night,

Lan Zhan sighed as he tossed his coat around his lavish bedroom and changed his clothes after a long shower. His body was refreshed but not his mind. He felt the agitation and restlessness gnaw at his every vein with merciless thrashing, something he has not felt ever since he left college.

He ran his hands through his wet  silky mane and stared at the mirror unblinking, as he tried to uncover the sadness and pain that lingered there  but even he couldn't see it for he was so adept in hiding himself.

With disdain he shook his head and lay down on his couch, closing his eyes, as he remembered the day. The moment he would never forget in his life. The only moment he treasured in the safe volt of his heart.

The day was etched in his memory like a withered rose, a rose that stays in its truest form in the folds of long forgotten pages, beautiful but crushed.

How could he forget that rainy afternoon and the man he had pulled in his arms, as he smelled his lavender and lascivious scent that only belonged to him -- his baobei ! How could he let him go ?


Wei Ying stared at all the photographs he has captured through all these years, adorning his two room flat. Was it his madness ? Or mere fascination? Or Was it...

He smiled sadly. He took part in the exhibition, was it not for a certain someone to notice him-- his presence? Was he not greedy to have his attention ? Did he not want to see whether the man of every girl's dream, still bothered to care for him?

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, only to witness the moment for the hundredth time like it was a dream. A dream he couldn't let go. For if he did he could hardly hope to breath.


Wei Ying shivered and closed his eyes, as he felt the want of the strong arms, ensnarling around his waist, his warm lips brushing the skin on his trembling neck with ardent passion , leaving his whole body enervated and Wei Ying couldn't stop the fear in his heart from crawling up and constricting his chest. What was he supposed to do he knew not, until his strength sprung back somehow and he ran pushing those arms away...

He wanted to hide, to veil his embarrassing heartbeat and his shamefilled eyes.





So initially I was going to pen a One shot but then I just went with the characters and it tells me there will be at least 5-10 chapters on this story to tell. 😄

I was going to write a love scene haha...😆 but ended up writing a romance. Pathetic I know.

Sorry to all the readers who are waiting for my other updates. I got inspiration for this concept and I just had to put it down here. I hope you will give it a chance since it's just a short story...

Also this is my most passionate endeavour on Wangxian until now !

Okay, so please comment darlings . 😊

Lots of love and Kisses ❤
--- Isa

See you soon....

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