2. Luminous Memories

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Chapter 2

Luminous Memories

It was only a sunny smile,
And little it cost
In the giving,
But like morning light
It scattered the night
And made the day
Worth living.

--- F. Scott Fitzgerald (the most amazing and hopelessly romantic writer I have ever read)


Chapter 2--

Wei Ying was walking along the shore as the waves danced in front his very eyes. He waved at his two best friends who waved back at him, signaling them with his hands to go on. They understood well what he intended to say, so they left him to himself, inhaling the salty waters, emersing himself in its uncouth beauty and grandeur, Wei Ying--- felt replenished.

Wei Ying had always been fond of sea shore, the waves gave him a flicker of unforseen freedom and pleasure he could feel but hardly verbalise. It as if represented the inner child and the wild soul in him that reigned alongside, and was afraid of nothing. He was eager to taste the forbidden grounds and temptous Island of his unrestrained dreams. He shivered in his white shirt and took a step back, looking at the ancient mailbox.
The tour guide told them previously  that people often left letters here, letters they can never send, words they wouldn't dare to speak open but here they were safe and would not be discarded by those who care to open and read it. It was an invitation an open one, to lay bare one's heart for another to see and perhaps grieve with that grieving heart.

Wei Ying held one such letter in his hands as he carefully looked at the cover. There was only a date, no year, no title, just a name. A name that could be anybody, anyone,  anywhere. It thrilled him yet at the same time making him dubiously sad. "Won't you open it?" The voice jerked him out of his reverie and Wei Ying looked up to find the source of the magnanimous voice that had sent unequivocal shiver to his heart.

A boy in his 20's with sharp jawline and piercing golden eyes that could captivate even the fairies with its divine but cold beauty, stared at Wei Ying and Wei Ying was drawn into their oceanic sincerity. He forgot for the moment what he was doing and where was he -- all he could see were two magnificent eyes, invading right into his soul and unveiling him in a way none had ever ventured to.

Wei Ying trembled with unfathomable gratification he couldn't name, even when years later he thought about it.

He blinked his eyes and nodded with his brilliant smile. The boy with his aloof but handsome features, standing next to him, stared -- with an impassive gaze, stoned as if by the sudden blinding moon-light , and then smiled. Wei Ying put his hands on the extended palm and those long artsy fingers entwined with his as he shook hands. "Lan Zhan..."

The boy said in his deep baritone as Wei Ying smiled again "Wei Ying "

"Would you like err Coffee?" Lan Zhan's lips that so seldom spoke, uttered an invitation that made Wei Ying smile again.

"Sure. Do you know some place.." Wei Ying chuckled nervously "actually I am new here-- just a tourist--"

"I know"

"Ehh..." Wei Ying felt a bit surprised.

"I mean I overheard your teacher speaking earlier " Lan Zhan voiced matter of factly.

"Aah...I get it. Of course " Wei Ying smiled and Lan Zhan felt the urge to capture the moment forever, he felt  his heart would blow up then and there.

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