Chapter 10

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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for taking forever, I got lazy... Anyways, I got my own laptop so updates for not only this story, but every other story I'm working on, should probably maybe perhaps doubtfully be more frequent.

Good news! Wicked Desires has been put in the 1DBromanceAwards! Much love & thank you SO much to whoever suggested this story <3

Bad news. After this chapter there's only one more left, then it's all over. I know, I'm sad too. I hope you guys like this chapter though, actually you'll probably want to kill me, but please let me know what you think.

Sorry guys, it had to happen!

+ + + +

It'd been a few days and Zayn was no closer to talking to Niall then he was the first time he called. After about the thousandth time, he counted, he gave up on that. He knew what he needed to do, but he was terrified.


Because it involved showing a large piece of him that he tried so hard to keep hidden.

Because it made him feel things he hadn't felt for a long time.

It made him feel vulnerable and exposed. Not something he liked much... But after everything that happened, he was willing to do whatever it took to get Niall back. And if that meant bearing his soul, giving up everything he'd worked so hard to achieve and tarnishing his own reputation, then so be it.

As he paced back and forth across the street from the house Niall was staying at, he contemplated everything. He was mainly stalling, but he did actually think of everything that'd happened in the past few weeks and how out of control everything had gotten.

If only I hadn't let Harry get to me, then I wouldn't be in this position.

That wasn't a good enough excuse though, because he could've easily ignored his younger, stupid stepbrother like he always managed to, but no, his pride clouded his vision and only allowed him to see what he thought was important, but in reality was only mediocre.

If only I hadn't...

If only I hadn't...

If only I hadn't...

All of his thoughts seemed to start out with those four words, and he didn't like it. He didn't like knowing that this was all his fault, but really, he didn't like knowing that he actually felt remorse for it.

Pushing the thoughts to the back of his head, he inhaled deeply and adjusted the package in his hand, crossing the street and not stopping until he was right in front of the large oak door. He clamped his eyes shut and breathed in deeply again, begging his body to calm down and relax. Once he somehow managed to do so he knocked on the door, heartbeat picking up speed at the sound of heels clacking loudly on the other side.

"Ye- oh, it's you. What do you want?" A now angry looking Mrs. O'Shay practically spat out.

"I need to speak with Niall."

"Well he's not here." She said venomously, trying to close the door, but not before Zayn's hand stopped her.

"Do you know where he is?" He asked hopefully.

"He's out." She replied bluntly.

"Well do you know when he'll be back?"

"Later. Look, my husband and I are on our way out and I'd appr-"

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