Author's Note...

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Hey guys! So, as I'm sure you all know, this story is over. You were all very vocal about it...

I just wanted to say a quick thanks & much love to those of you who've taken the time to read, comment, & vote for this story. Also, thank you to those who fanned me <3

Now, in case you haven't noticed, this story is in the process of being edited. I'm basically just skimming through it and fixing any errors I see, but I'm also rewriting a few bits. Nothing major, just some things I felt weren't right & didn't make sense. Since it's not drastic, there's no need to reread any of it, but feel free to do so if you'd like.

Last thing, Wicked Desires is in the 1D Bromance Awards in the Multiple Bromances category. It'd mean loads to me if you all voted for it. I'm actually not really sure if it's still in there, but I know like 2 people have voted for it...

That's about it. Thanks again! <3


*Editing is now finished*

Wicked Desires (Ziall)Where stories live. Discover now