Chapter 1

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Sunday afternoon. I had a big tournament in the morning and it was finally over. Game after game after game. I was riding my bike up Beacon Hill in hopes not to die as I rode down on the other side. I finally reached the top after what seemed like a forever of pedaling. When it was time to ride down I put my middle fingers on the handlebar brakes of my bike and pulled ever so slightly just to hold myself back a little as I let the rest of me go into the wind of the warm summer air. I zoomed down the hill where I met my high school friend, volleyball teammate, and singer, Christina and her youngest out of 5 sisters, Dani. I met them initially through their brother, one of my neighbors. They grabbed their bikes out from where they were leaning and without any words we all took off biking down the street. Luckily it wasn't very busy and we were able to get through easily. My new bike was much smoother than my old one and gave me more freedom. It felt like I was riding on a cloud. Cycling was my pass time and half of what I did. As I was making my way through the streets, my younger and older friends were getting far ahead of me as I was in the back. I sped up and pushed my knees higher and higher. When I noticed the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my entire life walking her dog down the street in black high heels, obviously having amazing balance, I fumbled and lost one of my pedals off my foot. I swerved everywhere and eventually crashed into some trash cans. The girl immediately ran over to me and helped me up.

"Are you okay? That was quite the tumble you took!"

"I'm fine. Thanks so much."


With that she walked off with me to never see her again.

"Camila!" Christina yelled "Are you okay? You're an amazing cyclist what happened?"

"I saw something that distracted me."

"Was it that girl who helped you up? You gazed into her eyes like no one's business!"

I didn't answer her question. "Why don't you call all your sisters and ask them if they want to come over my apartment for dinner and hangout?"

"Alright." Dani answered rapidly and immediately started texting them all.

"We'll see you then." She replied back.

"Great." I called since they were biking away.

I cycled the other way back to my apartment up set up for dinner, and hopefully find that girl again.


"So," Christina asked, "heard anything more from that girl from earlier.

All six of the Cimorelli sisters shifted in their seats and became more indulged in the conversation.

"I don't even know her name!" I fought back. I hate when Chris bugs me about my love life. Even thought I barely have one.

"Come on Camila," Lisa implied, "you must at least want something to do with her. Stop ignoring it. Christina told me everything."

I glared at my oldest friend. My eyes then darted around looking at each girl.
They each had and interested smile plastered across their faces. They wouldn't stop staring at me.

"Say something!" Dani yelled.

"I have an idea." Christina added

Everyone shifted in their seats once again. Including me. She grabbed her coat and walked outside.

"Girls come on!"

We all grabbed our jackets as well and walked out of my apartment.

As we stood in elevator, the light haired girl explained her plan to us.

Camouflage (Camren)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora