Chapter 4

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The next morning Lauren woke up to her phone buzzing on her bedside table. Thinking it was an alarm, she picked it up and slapped the screen. Suddenly, she heard a voice. "Lauren? Hello?" She scrambled to grab it after realizing it was her agent's voice.

"Melinda, hi, how are you?"

"I'm fine and I don't even need to ask because I know you'll be great when I tell you this: you got the part!"

"I know. They called me last night."

"Really? Did they?"

"Yup." the green-eyed girl responded, popping the p.

"Okay then, I guess I'll see you later."

"K bye." With that, she hung up the phone.

Lauren felt so bad. Melinda was really excited to tell her that her audition was a success, but she ruined it.

Meanwhile, Camila was still excited about her big win. She didn't stop smiling until she got to practice.

"Ok ladies," Coach VandenAkker spoke, "tough day today. Lots of hard work. Start by getting into groups of three and running the pit. 10 perfect passes to move on. And remember, it's only a perfect pass if it can be set." Camila was in a group with Ally and Dinah. Christina was sick that day.

"Ok girls." Camila started. "Why don't I start passing, Dinah hits, and Ally sets."

"Sound great!" Dinah smiled.

Dinah started by hitting a hard one to Camila, which she shanked. It went all the way to the scoreboard behind her.

"Camila!" Coach VandenAkker screamed in her own loving way, "what was that?!"

"A shanked ball?" Camila responded.

"Well duh. Come on get it going."

"Dinah why'd you hit it so hard?" Camila asked.

"Sorry I'm just a hard hitter." Dinah sympathetically smiled.

It took 15 hits for her to get 10 perfect passes, but she was never a great passer anyways. Then it was time for the girls to switch. Dinah got ten perfect passes in ten hits. "Wow Dinah," Camila was shocked. "You're way better than I thought you were."

"Is that supposed to be a compliment?" Dinah asked.

"I don't know," Camila responded, "do you want it to be?"

"Get in teams." Coach VandenAkker ordered. "Butterfly drill. Go."

The rest of the practice went like that, Coach giving the girls orders, and the girls doing what she said. After practice, in the locker rooms, Ally scooped up all of her courage to walk over to Camila and said, "Hey, Camila, do you think you could maybe come over to mine and Dinah's dorm tonight for dinner and to tell us a little about the team?"

"Sure," Camila responded. "I'd love to."

"Great," Ally sighed a sigh of relief. "Matthew's hall, 123."

"Perfect see you tonight."


Camila checked the door in front of her. "123," she whispered to her self. Knock knock. "Coming!" She heard Dinah yell from inside. As she opened the door she said, "Hey, it's my favorite setter!"

"Dude!?" Ally yelled from the kitchen.

Dinah rolled her eyes. "Come on in," she told Camila.

Ally was setting out plates of spaghetti and meatballs when Camilla stepped through the door. "Homemade. All of it." Ally told Camila with confidence.

"I didn't know you could cook."

"Well, you really don't know much about me."


All of the girls sat down together. "So," Dinah started, "tell us about the team."

"Well," Camila responded, "I'm a freshman too, so I don't know much. What I do know is that Katie really is a very talented weak side hitter. She played there on varsity at our old high school." She got kind of sad at the thought of her old school. She'd been there for thirteen years. She loved it. "Coach was the head varsity coach while I was on J.V. I was really sad when she left. I had been really excited to have her. She is one of the reasons I came here." 

"That's interesting," Dinah said.

"Yeah. I guess you made a good choice." Ally noted, "she's a really good coach."

"I love her." Camila added. "She works us, but not too far. She just wants us to get better."

They all nodded in unison.

The night was followed by small talk about their hometowns and old schools, Boston, food, and television. At the end of the night, they parked themselves on the couch and watched a few of the best episodes of "The Office". Around 11 they decided to turn in for the night and Camila headed back to her apartment. Unfortunately not running into Lauren, who she had been thinking about the whole night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2016 ⏰

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