Lily Rivers-Percabeth-Mist

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Once upon a time, I was the most popular girl in the history of my high school.

Key word: was.

My crown had recently been taken from me by a usurper named Annabeth Jackson.

I know, utterly depressing, right?

Anyway, I have a plan to get everything back to normal.

Annabeth has a cousin named Percy Jackson. I know he's just a cousin, because they look nothing alike, and Percy is so much hotter than that fake he calls a relative.

Poor boy, he must be so embarrassed.

Anyway, I am obviously the hottest girl here. We become a couple and ruin Annabeth's title seeing as nobody will be able to surpass me and Percy.

I looked myself over in the mirror before I left, checking everything twice.

I had beautiful blonde hair that fell to my waist and blue-grey eyes. I had pale skin from spending so little time outside.

My body had curves in all the right places.

I put on the works and braided my hair. I wore a short, and tight pink dress with matching pink flats.

I looked at myself once I was all done. I smiled.

Yep. This was the girl who had slept with almost all the boys at my school.

Soon, i'll be able to sleep with the last one.


I entered school, drawing all eyes to me.

The boys eyed my body with lust glinting in their eyes.

Especially the one making out with his girlfriend.

But I ignored all of them, my sights set on the one boy who wasn't looking.

Percy was getting stuff from his locker.

I leaned seductively against the lockers, waiting expectantly.

He finally closed the door and looked at me. His eyes ran over my body, I pretended to be flustered.

Percy raised an eyebrow in question.

"Hey babe." I purred. "You, me, my house. The fun starts at eight."

"No." Percy said as I eyes his lips.

"W-what?!" I cried out in surprise. No one has ever turned me down.

"Sorry l." He didn't sound sorry. "I'm taken."

I fumed inwardly, but remained calm on the outside. "Who are you with?"

He smiled. "You'll see later tonight. I think you know her."

Then he walked away.

Well, if I do, than that girl's going to get what's coming for her.

The rest of the day was spent with angrily glaring at all girls, wondering who Percy's girlfriend could be, and boys goggling at me.

Finally, the bell rang and me and my posse walked out the front doors.

I looked around for Percy and his so called girlfriend.

Then, I saw Percy kissing a girl under a tree.

I couldn't tell who she was, other than the fact that she was blonde and had a baseball bat hanging from her belt, the weirdo.

I stalked up to the couple.

I pushed the girl away from Percy, about to give her a piece of my mind but gasped.

It was Annie-trash!

"Percy!" I said, scandalized. "Isn't this your cousin?!"

"No I'm not." The fake protested. "I'm much more."

"Oh please," I said. "you're just a wannabe who will take advantage of poor Percy before dumping him for someone else."

"Isn't that what you do?" Annabeth feigned innocence.

I gasped. "How dare you!"

Annabeth put her had on her baseball bat, but Percy stopped her.

"She's not worth it." I heard him whisper. "Besides, it won't hurt her."

Annabeth sighed and dropped her hand.

"And for your information." Annabeth snarked. "Percy and I... we're married."

She held her left hand up to show a bronze ring that matched Percy's, other than the engravings.

Annabeth's says 'Wise Girl' and Percy's says 'Seaweed Brain'. Whatever that means.

I spluttered in shock as the married couple walked away.

The next day, I noticed that Percy and Annabeth weren't there.

They weren't at school the following week either.

I signed sadly as I dreamt of what Percy and I could've been if Annabeth hadn't existed.

Then the boy who I saw making out with his girlfriend that day sat down in front of me, and Percy was wiped from my mind, replaced with him.

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