Sonia Jordan-Solangelo-No Mist

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                                                                                          Part 1

                                       TW: Car crash, blood, referenced abuse, alcohol abuse


My name is Sonia Jordan.

I go to Franklin High in Texas.

I have ADHD and Dyslexia.

My only friend is Will Solace.

At the beginning of the school year, I was getting bullied because I was 'unnatural'. Because I was born a boy but also wasn't a boy, if that makes sense.

That's when Will swooped in and defended me saying how I was just who I needed to be. Whenever I have a hard day, I think of all the good things he said about me that day, without even knowing me.

We've been inseparable ever since.

"So who's this mysterious boyfriend of yours?" I asked Will on our way to class. "You talk about him like he's the sun to your stars yet I've never met him."

Will grinned like he knew something I didn't. "I wouldn't worry about it. I feel like you too will meet real soon."

"Good." I said as we entered the classroom. "Then I can ask him for all the embarrassing WIll Solace stories he has on tap."

"I swear you still text my mom for those." Will said, looking me over suspiciously. "Trying to use them as blackmail someday?"

"You'll know soon enough."

"That's scary."

I had to stifle my giggles as Mr. Robinson walked in and started his lecture on a topic that excited him so much he was beside himself–mitosis and meiosis. Yay.

I couldn't focus, so I pretended to take notes while really just doodling and looking outside the window.

It was completely overcast, with very little sunlight managing to break through the cloud cover, casting the whole world in a dull shade of uniform gray.

That might be why I'm so tired and down today. I find that my emotions can be influenced by the weather. When it's sunny, I'm happy and full of energy, when it's rainy or overcast like today, I'm tired and lazy.

Will's like that as well. Even now, he's struggling to keep his eyes open.

Thankfully enough, that was the last class of the day and the last school day of the year. Meaning that the second the bell went off, everyone started muscling their way out the door even though it was the senior bell and half of them weren't seniors.

Will and I waited patiently, packing up and letting everyone leave. This way when we leave, the hallways won't be as crowded.

"Taking the bus?" Will asked when the actual bell rang and left the classroom. We had arrived at our lockers.

"No, actually." I started stuffing everything back into my bag. "My mom's gonna pick me up." I tried not to sound so bitter.

My mom was an alcoholic and most of the time she just ignored my existence. The only times she didn't was when she was drunk and I did absolutely anything and I think you can guess whether or not we would have a friendly mother-daughter chat.

Spoiler alert: we didn't.

"I can take you home if you want." Will suggested with a wrinkled brow.

"No." I sighed. "That would just make her angry."

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