Sonia Jordan-Solangelo-No mist

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Part 2

TW: Car crash, blood, referenced abuse, referenced alcohol abuse

After I called 911, I took the wrinkled scrap of paper out of my pocket and—after a few tries—called Will Solace.

To this day, I still can't tell you why I called him. Maybe because he was the closest thing to family I've ever had, maybe because I just wanted someone to be here with me, I don't know. All I know is that I felt much better after he answered the phone.


"Will? It's Sonia."

"Sonia? What happened? Why's it sound like you're crying?"

I sniffed before telling him the same thing I told the receiver. I heard his distant voice bark at Nico the location I'd given him.

I'd never heard him raise his voice.

His voice was much calmer and soothing when he spoke to me again. "We're on our way. Did you call the authorities?"

"Yeah..." My voice cracked. What just happened was fully folding down on me. From the destroyed car a few feet away, to my mother's lifeless body a little closer.

"You're gonna be alright." Will promised. "We're not too far away."


The distant sound of sirens came. I could just see flashing red lights rush toward me. "The ambulance is almost here."

"So are we." Will kept talking to me. "Just stay calm. Deep breathes, Sonia, deep breathes, you're gonna be okay."

I followed his instructions until the emergency vehicles were above me, gathered where mom had broken through the guardrail.

"They're here." I told Will.

"Okay. We'll be there soon, do whatever they tell you, okay?"


I shakily hung up as the EMS workers rushed down with a gurney for me and a body bag for my mom.

I could walk pretty well, but I didn't complain as they insisted on carrying me up the steep hill. I couldn't help but admire how they barely struggled, lifting me up the hill to their friends.

" friend is coming." I managed.

"Okay." Said a woman at ten top of the hill, as I was put inside the ambulance. "They'll have to meet us at the hospital, luckily, your wounds aren't too severe..."

I barely paid attention to them as they bandaged my wounds and set my wrist and did all the other doctory things they did that I couldn't keep track of right now.

The only thing in my head during the ride was the force of ripping through the guardrail and my mom's lifeless eyes as she hung upside down from her seatbelt.

Everything at the hospital was a blur. I kept my gaze focused on the white ceiling as I waited for the world to right itself, as it was as upside down as my mom's car.

Finally, I was alone in my own hospital room, my arm in a cast, and enough bandages over my body to make a mini mummy for Halloween.

My first visitors were Will Solace and Nico Di Angelo, who claimed to be my cousins to get in.

"Are you okay?" Will asked gently in his best I-wanna-be-a-doctor-someday voice.

I gave him my best do-I-look-okay-to-you-biotch? face I could muster but eventually broke down and said, "yeah..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2023 ⏰

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