Coldest Winter

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A/N: This chapter's picture was drawn by bonbonthedragon on tumblr


"So, it's official now, hm?" the masked man asked, his puzzled eyes hidden under a white, pupilless mask.

"That's what I heard," replied the mutant, brushing his claws through his purple hair before crossing him arms. "As of now, the League of Villains are now officially the Paranormal Liberation Front. That'll take some getting used to."

Sitting down with his legs crossed, Twice tapped a finger at his chin. "You're right about that. You'd think they'd choose a catchier name or something. Atsuhiro man, what do you think about it?"

Leaning against a beam nearby, Mr. Compress tipped up his top hat slightly in thought, taking a moment before responding. "The name itself isn't so important, what we should really be worried about is how we plan on keeping this operation going with how behind schedule we are."

Kicking his feet back, Twice turned his attention away from the conversation to the nearby wall, arms crossing behind his head. "Are you talking about you-know-who? I don't get what's taking her so long to see our way of life. It's not that terrible."

"Need I remind you of the, ahem, lasting impression you and Spinner had made the last time we met her?" Mr. Compress said in a knowing tone.

Twice then stood up, his first raised in front of him in slight annoyance. "Hey, no need to bring that up, it was an accident, you know!"

"Couldn't we just move on without her?" Spinner added. "She can't be that crucial to our plan."

Mr. Compress sighed and shook his head. "I'm afraid she is. I shudder to think what we will have to do to that poor girl next. Either way, if we don't figure out something soon, we-"

The sound of the only door opening caught their attention as Toga pranced in, her breath clearly visible from the chilly air.

"Heya," she sang, side stepping from the doorframe to reveal another figure following her hesitantly into the room. "Guess who finally decided to turn a new leaf. About time, really."

With her backhanded comment acting as an introducer, you took one uneasy step forward into the dimly lit room, one hand clasping at the other nervously as you peered up at the three villains gawking at you in surprise.

"(y/n) my dear girl! This is a pleasant surprise!" Mr. Compress greeted first, the warmth in his tone catching your attention.

Spinner merely scoffed and vacated the room, passing you by with a cold shoulder out the only exit, indicating that he still hadn't forgiven you since the last time you two had 'talked.'

Twice looked on, his eyes expressing a hint of apprehension before it looked as if a lightbulb popped above his head. "Oh, I got it! I'll let the others know that she's finally here! We, uh, we'll know what to do then, or something. Cya!" he exclaimed with a quick wave before running out of the room, as if he were afraid to speak to you.

"Eh, I did all I was told to do. Later," Toga shrugged and left as well, leaving you standing there, feeling as shunned as ever.

Your eyes went downcasted at the thought, your shoulders slumping as if you were lost, or tired, or both.

"Ahem," Mr. Compress beckoned softly, catching your attention again. "Come and sit for a while," he offered gently, patting the empty seat beside him next to a broken coffee table. Your hardened expression lightened slightly at his amicable tone, convincing you to adhere to his simple request.

"It's a wonderful morning, isn't it?" he started, staring through the broken glass to the overcast outside.

You spared him a shrug. "I suppose."

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