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Dia woke up in a glass cage in an almost empty room, the only thing being a chair in the middle of the room. The door opened, her father stepping in.

'I really had high hopes for you,' he said, 'it's too bad that your morals were already fixed by the time you came to us. I should've had your parents killed sooner,'


'Your bitch of a mother was special too. But we couldn't manipulate her, not in the same way we could you,'

Dia's got up, her eyes lighting up, blue energy forming around her hands. Suddenly a burning sensation in her head shut everything down.

'I wouldn't do that if I were you,' he said, holding up a device, 'your latest surgery was to put in a series of wires throughout your brain, allowing us to control you with this device right here,'

'You're a monster. James and Steve will find me,' she shouted.

'Oh, you mean the same James who is very very dead right now?' he said, gesturing up to a screen on one of the walls. It clicked on, revealing footage of Steve and James on the side of a train, James holding on for dear life. She watched as the railing buckled and fell from his weight, and she watched him fall out of frame.

'No,' she screamed as Schmidt slipped out of the room. Energy exploded out of her, sending the chair flying back and ripping the screen off the wall. She felt the energy pouring out of her endlessly.

An alarm went off, and she heard a commotion going on outside the room.

'Get the girl,' she heard before the door opened again. She couldn't tell who it was as her cage was lifted onto a platform and wheeled out of the room.

'Is it normal for her to be radiating the blue light?' he asked another agent.

'Hell if I know,' the other agent said as they loaded her onto an aircraft.

The last thing she heard before she passed out was gunshots and a stray thought that she knew to be Steve's. He was too late.


By the time she finally woke up, she was in another empty room. This time, there was no chair and her cage was open. There was a large window on the other side of the room, which Zola peered into.

'They won, didn't they?' she asked, laughing to herself.

'They did,' Zola said, 'but not without great cost,' a sinister grin worked its way up his face.

'What is that supposed to mean?' she asked, already knowing the answer. Zola stopped acknowledging her, walking away.

She curled up into a ball in the corner of the room, the energy coming back, radiating out of her.

Every so often, she'd hear chattering from outside of the room.

'You don't understand, Zola. Her ageing factor is only a fraction of what it once was,'

'That seems like a screw up from your department, Doctor,'

'Considering we had nothing to test our serum on due to her special genetics, it wasn't exactly easy to formulate and some things weren't perfectly optimised,'

'Put her on ice,' Zola said, 'And keep her away from the other one,'

'We can't go in there,'

'Why not?'

'Her body is releasing deadly radiation that could kill a full-grown man within seconds,'

'Then we put her to sleep first,'

A hissing sound filled the room and the air became thick. Her vision blurred and she welcomed the sleep.

Angel of Death • B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now