When you clean toghether

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

It's been about three years since I've joined the Scout Regiment. I've learned new things about titans, Befriended a group a people I met at the 104th trainees, and learned how to use the 3DMG. My fighting was different. When it came to my fighting skill, People could tell you I was good. That was proven when i sparred with Annie and won, but I can't take all the credit. Thank my mom and dad for making me so good at fighting. Ever since I hit puberty, my mother and father decided it would be a good idea to teach me because "Nunca sabes." They never gave me an explanation on why they always said that, but as I got older and started to learn things about the world, I got it.

Anyway, Today was a slow but productive day. We had breakfast and trained for a while, but then we had to clean. Today was my day to help clean with Captain Levi, which ruined my day. The thing is I didn't really mind cleaning but Captain Levi always found a way to make it a drag. He would thoroughly check places for dust by swiping and rubbing his finger in random spots. And if there was the any type of dust particles on his finger from that one spot, We would have to do it over again until there was no dust left. He would always criticize our cleaning and efficiency if we didn't do it "properly" the first time. I personally never understood why he makes it a big of a deal? I could understand if there was still so much dust everywhere but the fact he makes us clean again over a tiny piece of dust seems like huge waste of my time. His attitude is what makes it even worse.


I put my cleaning scarf on so at the bottom my (H/L) hair would be sticking out. I put a handkerchief over my mouth and nose and started to head to the room.

Once I got there, I started by dusting around the windows and opening them to air out the room. After sometime, I randomly started to think captain Levi couldn't make it, but then the door opened. I knew that was him.

'Ayy Coño'

I turned my head and I saw captain Levi with a handkerchief on his head and another handkerchief in his mouth.

"Hello Sir," I said while opening a window

He started at me for a few seconds and said.

"Hello Y/N."

I faked a smile and turned back around to focus on cleaning.


A few minutes into the cleaning, I started to get deep into thought until he took his handkerchief out his mouth and said,

"If you don't mind me asking (Y/N) but where are you from?"

I raised my eyebrow and turned around to face him.

'Why would he ask me something like that all of a sudden?'

"I'm from a village that was slightly outside wall Maria. The name was distrata."

He looked at me briefly and got back to what he was doing, "Mmh, interesting."

I turned back around  and rolled my eyes,

"Why ask?" I said while sleeping the floor

"I hear an accent in your voice and was just curious. That's all."

I turned back and faked a smile again,

"Oh well thanks for asking." I said while turning back and sweeping.

After that he started to make more conversation, I thought it was weird since I thought he was a person that never liked to talk to people. Don't get me wrong, I liked it but it was just a weird behavior coming from him.


Thirty minutes went by and we were finally done. The talking seemed to make things go faster. Once I gathered my cleaning supplies, I started walking to the door,

"I didn't dismiss you yet (Y/N)." He said while cleaning the window.

I stopped suddenly and turned around to face him.

'Damn it, I forgot about that.'

Once He finished cleaning the window, he gathered his supplies and turned around to face me so we made eye contact.

"Listen, just because I talked to you this one time doesn't make you my friend. Got it?"

'Yup there's the shitty attitude everybody loves.'

"Yes sir." I said while lowering my head

"Alright, You may leave now." He said.

I lifted up my head and walked out the room. I walked down the hallway to go put the cleaning supplies away. I then slid my handkerchief down from my face.

'I don't understand why he always has to ruin a nice moment with his attitude. Ugh he gets on my nerves."


AUTHORS NOTE: I'm pretty sure there was a village outside of wall Maria in season one. If there wasn't please let me know so I can fix it. I also finished this at 4:47 a.m.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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