Chapter 15: Hayley

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During the day, Will and I agreed on him coming over after his shift is over. My shift ends at four, and his starts at four thirty. Unfortunate timing, but it is what it is. Usually his shift ends around eight, but sometimes he doesn't get home until nine or even ten.

When I get home, I leave the door unlocked for Will whenever he gets here. This complex has always been safe, so I don't worry too much about leaving my door unlocked like this. I head to my room and read one of the books I picked up while I was at the library today, after working.

After a few hours, I set the book down and go to the kitchen. It's around quarter to eight, and I'm hungry. I'm making myself a plate of leftovers from last night when I hear the door open. A smile crosses my face, expecting Will to come into the kitchen.

Footsteps are nearing me now and I turn around to face Will. Except it's not Will. It's Kyle. I nearly scream, but I don't, luckily. I do, however, yell. "What the fuck? Why are you here?"

"Hayley, I need to talk to you," he says, stepping closer to me.

I back up, filling with rage. "Get out!"

"Let me just talk to you."

Backing up a couple more steps, I consider it. "Why are you here and why would you even come in?"

"I told you, I just want to talk," he says.

I roll my eyes. "Then do it like a normal person! Don't just barge in here unannounced."

"Can we please just talk?"

"Five minutes."

He lets out a breath and says, "I broke up with Courtney a month ago."

I stay silent, waiting for him to continue talking. Him breaking up with her doesn't affect me in the least. "I was hoping we could get back together," he says, almost apologetically.

Letting out a laugh, I throw my head back. "You're fucking unbelievable."

"Come on, why don't we give us another try? You were the only thing on my mind while Courtney and I were dating, anyway."

"That just proves how much of a horrible person you are," I fire at him.

He walks up to me and pulls out his phone. "I didn't want to have to do this to you, but you're not leaving me with much of a choice."

I take a step back from him, my back hitting the counter. He presses a few things on his phone then flips the screen toward me. I look at what he's showing me and find myself staring at a picture of me. Specifically, a nude picture of me. I gasp and cover my mouth with my hand.

"Delete that," I demand.

"I will if you date me."

I'm cornered. Literally and physically. "I'm dating Will," I state firmly.

"Guess I'm posting this later on then," he taunts.

"No! Please, don't. I'll do anything but date you," I beg him.

He thinks for a moment before saying anything. "I'm only willing to delete it if you date me. If you refuse, I'm posting it."

My bottom lip begins to quiver as I feel the tears building up in my eyes, ready to flow down my face. "Kyle, please.."

"I'm not kidding, Hayley. Date me or suffer the consequences."

The tears are running down my face now. "Fine," I say in a barely audible whisper.

Kyle leans in and kisses me, but I don't reciprocate. He pulls away and then walks out of my apartment, shutting the door behind him. I collapse on the floor in a heap, crying my eyes out. This can't be happening. I don't know if I can bring myself to tell Will.

The Switchजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें