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Transformers: The Thirteen Primes


In a time long before the Autobots, long before the Decepticons, even before Primus and Unicron, there was only one. After the great explosion that created the universe, one being was all that existed: The One. It created a being originally known as Unicron. However, this being sought nothing more than to destroy. For balance to emerge, The One split Unicron in half, creating his brother, Primus. The brothers battled often, however; Primus was not strong enough. He fled deep into space to escape his brother's wrath. Here, Primus created thirteen beings to assist him in defeating his arch enemy:



Alpha Trion








Liege Maximo



They would be Primus' Thirteen Warriors, his Primes, to help him face off against Unicron. The Primes trained tirelessly. Prima, Vector, Onyx, Amalgamous, and Megatronus constantly sparred with one another in preparation. Solus had crafted a computer to assist the Thirteen in their battle against the Great Enemy. This computer would simulate any possible move Unicron would make. Alpha Trion, Micronus, Quintus, and Liege Maximo conceived countless strategies in how to defeat Primus' rival. Alchemist and Nexus created a battle plan.

However, each of these Primes would need powerful weapons or objects to assist in Unicron's defeat. Many of these artifacts were either forged by Solus herself or gifted to their respective wielder by Primus personally.

Gifted to Prima was the Star Saber, a powerful blade said have the strength to destroy planets and turn stars into dust. In the hilt of the blade was his other artifact gifted to him by Primus himself: the Matrix of Leadership.

Gifted to Vector were the Blades of Time. Though not a physical weapon, it allows its wielder the ability to slow down or even freeze time.

Gifted to Alpha Trion was the Covenant of Primus, a book containing all that has come to pass, all that is now happening, and all that there ever will be. The second artifact, the Quill, was from Primus himself, in which its wielder could write within the Covenant.

Gifted to Solus was The Forge, a powerful hammer said to contain the power of a star within. This artifact allows its wielder to create something out of nothing. It forged many of the artifacts wielded by the other members of the Thirteen. The second artifact gifted to Solus was the Creation Lathe. This complementary artifact was to be used in conjunction with the Forge. It granted its wielder the vision to create the tool its wielder desired.

Gifted to Micronus was the Chimera Stone. This tool allows its wielder to amplify the energy of another, granting them strength. However, there is one problem. If the wielder is too flooded with emotion, it can negatively affect the one being granted energy.

Gifted to Alchemist were the Lenses. This device allows one to see both physical, spiritual, and universal cycles, allowing one to determine the right time to attack.

Gifted to Nexus were several artifacts. The first being the Omni Saber, a sword that reflects no light. It is unknown if it was made from Unicron's blood to act as a counter to the Great Destroyer. The second gift to Nexus was a sword known as Chaos Edge. It is a weapon that can seemingly appear from nowhere and attack its wielder's foes. The third artifact was another sword known as Cyber Caliber. This blade could split into five different weapons if needed. Lastly, was the Enigma of Combination. This allowed its wielder to split into five different independent beings and then reforge at will.

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