Red spot

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Before I type this out, I just want to say Thank you so much KotlcNinjago for this suggestion.

It was Friday, meaning that there would be a hashira meeting.
Usually Muichiro never minded attending one considering he’s only doing it for the wishes of Kagaya. But today was different he didn’t want to go anywhere, he could feel the panging feeling in his groin but he ignores it thinking its just his body cramping up from training. Oh had he wished he was right.
As the day goes by the feeling only gets worse, he feels as if there needles jabbing inside his lower body, tearing him apart. He’s over heard Shinobu talking about this feeling to the butterfly girls, he remembers her saying that this was normal and happens to every female but at different times.  Muichiro lets out a quiet panic noise but pushes it aside because he remembers her saying that they should feel liquid drip down their legs, and he hasn’t felt that yet. And even if he did he’s not a girl.
Muichiro is lost in thought until he notices Genya and Tanjiro staring at him.
He then remembers Tanjiro’s abnormal sense of smell.
Muichiro’s body tenses up, but Tanjiro seems to notice and walks away. Somehow Genya didn’t take the hint and walks closer to him. “Hey Mui, are you okay you seem a little tense.” As much as Muichiro would love to walk away, He cant help but swoon at Genya’s concern for him. “Mhm.. yeah I’m Okay, is there something wrong..?” “I’ve just noticed how nervous you seem today, Tanjiro said he could smell pain and another… scent from you. I just want to make sure your doing okay.” Shame takes over Muichiro’s body, How could he not tell his boyfriend about his secret. He feels as its unfair, for Genya to care so much for him just for him not to open up. Muichiro pushes his intrusive thoughts away for a moment a d decides its time for him to tell Genya what he’s so secretive and shameful about. “Genya we need to talk.” He can see Genya tense up , he most likely has the wrong idea. “O-Okay” Muichiro grabs Genya’s hand and walks to a nearby field which is unoccupied at the moment. “Before I say this I don’t want to end our relationship.” A wave of relief takes over Genya’s body. Muichiro stammers for a bit and starts to fidget with his hands, a common thing he does when he’s overwhelmed. Genya takes notice of his boyfriends stimming and tries his best to reassure him that everything’s okay. “Hey, calm down it’s gonna be alright I wont judge you, I promise. Genya gives him a few minutes to recollect himself, and eventually he does. “Y-you promise..?” “Yes, I promise” Muichiro takes a few deep breathes to calm his nerves, as he calms down he just lets it out in one go. “Genya I’m Trans, I wasn’t biologically born a Boy.” … Muichiro’s eyes water at the dead silence until he feels Genya brush his tears away.
“Is that all?”
“Is that all you have to tell me? Mui, I don’t care if your trans I’ll love you either way.”
Muichiro allows a few teats drip down his face as he rushes to hug Genya tightly. Genya does nothing but hug him back, rubbing patterns on his back. Muichiro looks up at him just to give him a small but loving peck. Their little moment was rudely cut short to Sanemi walking in the field stopping sharply after seeing Muichiro somewhat kiss Genya.
“Hey! Get away from my brother you tramp!”
They both laugh knowing Sanemi doesn’t mean anything by it.
He walks up to him starring daggers into Muichiro’s soul. “Anyway c’mon dirt bag the meeting is starting soon.
Sanemi and Muichiro were unusually the first to arrive; The Hashira meeting was more than a family than anything, Considering Kaguya saw the hashira’s as his children. They Usually talk and catch up on any interesting thing over the week letting their duties be pushed aside for the night.
The night was going smoothly.
That was until Muichiro started to feel the jabbing pain again, its not like it left anyway he just forgot about it. Muichiro begins to feel more sappy and upset but he doesn’t know why, Muichiro starts to feel thick liquid drip down his legs, unaware of what’s going on he grips his legs tightly and panic. It doesn’t take too long for the others to notice his behavior. “Hey kid, are you alright?” Tengen was the first to pipe in. Muichiro claims he’s okay but nobody seems to buy it, but they pushes it aside for now they’ll most likely ask about it later. The Meeting felt longer than it actually was, some of the hashira’s left earlier, so the only ones left was Muichiro, Shinobu, Obanai, and Rengoku. Muichiro stands up but he feel as if something’s wrong; 1 His pants were damp, no, soaked, 2 there's a huge puddle of blood in his chair.
Muichiro stares at the very noticeable puddle, that was until the remaining hashira’s approaches him.
They all stare at the puddle, they know what’s going on. But nobody says a word, the silence is so thick Muichiro feels as if he’s suffocating. It was silent until Kagaya and Amane walks up to the crowd, curious on what’s gotten their attention. Amane was the first speak.
“Tokito, dear is this blood yours?”
He nods slightly
“Are you perhaps on your-“ she hesitates “Are you on your period Tokito?”
Despite her caring voice he can’t help but fear.
He nods again.
Shinobu finally says something, “Is this your first?”
“Y-yes..” he replies quietly
“How can males menstruate..? You are a male aren’t you?” Obanai asks genuinely confused and concerned for his youngest acquaintance.
He then hears the question that he would never want to hear at a time like this
“My child, are you Transgender?” Kagaya asks
“Yes.” He replies meekly
They notice the shameful aura coming from Muichiro. “There’s no need to be shameful, being trans isn’t a bad thing.” Muichiro feels tears prickling the corners of his eyes, he begins to fidget with his hands again. He doesn’t know why he feels so distraught, Kagaya just said he accepted him. Rengoku pats his back and give him an accepting smile. Shinobu walks him out and talks to him about periods and how it’s a normal thing an nothing to be shameful about, she walks him to the butterfly estate to give him pads and heating pads. “You know Muichiro, there are multiple trans people in the corp, so you’re not the only one. You just need to find them.” Muichiro gives Shinobu and grateful smile and a hug, He then walks to his and Genya’s shared estate so he can finally rest.
Maybe today wasn’t so bad.

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