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"You thought it was me," I said, finally breaking the silence that had settled over me and the alpha.

The room we were currently seated in reminded me of the days I enjoyed the finer things in life with high ceilings and ornate trimmings along the side. I perched myself on a chair decorated with woven landscapes which was most likely worth more than my entire cottage - not that my home would sell for any substantial sum of money.

The palace itself was extensive, and I could hardly remember the intricate route we had taken to arrive here. Everything had its own place, however, from classical statues to romantic paintings. Even Cain looked like he belonged here, striding through the hallways with a god-like presence. I couldn't help but feel smaller next to him.

He paused for a second, "I had my suspicions."

"Suspicions that I was capable of murder? No - scrap that - regicide." I was slightly offended, but not all too surprised by a werewolf's ability to always turn to a witch for someone to blame.

"Suspicions that you were capable of possession," he corrected, "Your reputation precedes you, as I am sure you are aware. The elusive enchantress."

That's a nice way of saying the crazy old cat lady who lives alone, I thought. Despite my degree in alchemy and my years of research in botany, I would forever be remembered as the master of possession and persuasion - the ability to transfer one's desires onto another.

"A bold move to arrive at my home uninvited if I was top on your suspect list for attempted assassination."

I placed another sugar cube in the tea that Mr Cain had so kindly placed before me.

"I had to be sure."

"And? Has my name been cleared?" I took a sip from the cup as a way of avoiding his gaze.

This time, he laughed, "My dear Morgana, for my sake, I sincerely hope so."

When I finally faced him, he was looking at me, as I am sure he had been for a little while. I wonder what he saw, a spinster or a magician? I even vainly considered if he could find me desirable but what do beautiful men like him even consider worthy of desire?

My thoughts turned to Alice.

"Why do you look at me like that?" I asked, smiling besides myself as I felt the corners of my mouth crinkle.

"How do I look at you?" His eyebrows furrowed slightly, honey eyes softening.

I was grinning now, "Like I've sent someone to bring me back your head."

"Ah, so she confesses after all." He leaned back, folding his arms against his chest once again demonstrating the beauty of his physical form, the way his muscles flex with every concise movement.

"I wouldn't dare, Your Fuzziness. A lady never tells."

"Does this lady know what she is wearing to the ball?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "Something outrageous, most likely. A daring neckline, a slit high enough to make a wolf faint."

He shook his head, smiling, "You must tell me the colour if we are going to match."

I froze - it was my turn to look at him with confusion. "The Annual Ball is held traditionally as a celebration of mates, no? People will surely get the wrong idea if I wear the royal colours."

"And what idea is that?"

"That we are..." I paused to think, frowning as I struggled to the find the right word, "courting? I can hardly remember what words are used these days. Alice is always correcting me."

His Fuzziness only smiled warmly at me, "Dating, I think, is what humans most commonly use."

"Right, dating, yes. It will give the impression that we are dating," I concluded, adopting a business-like manner in my nervousness. Why was I nervous?

"I would not mind giving such an impression."

I said nothing. How could I? If I spoke, it would be to quell all ideas of the budding romance that perhaps he was suggesting. But I couldn't bring myself to ruin this moment of great confusion, and of even greater clarity.

"You know," he continued, "werewolves do not typically date. You are either mated, or not. But I was informed that witches are not accustomed to nor inclined to the idea of mating, so to follow human customs was perhaps a better route."

"I was not aware you were available, Mr Cain. Nor that suspected criminals would be a suitable match for the Alpha of all Alphas," I spoke more harshly than I intended to, for mostly I was angry at myself for even considering his interest.

If he was offended, he did not let it show. "Not available?"

I could not say anything without potentially harming Alice's position with the king, so instead I could only sigh, "I'll be sure to send you all the resources I have on runes. And those who currently are dealing the strain of wolfsbane used to kill the guard, as long as you promise to turn a blind eye to their business in exchange for information."

He nodded, jaw tensing slightly, "You have my word."

When I stood up, he rose with me. "Let me at least walk you out," he offered, still adopting an aura of collected confidence only a royal could possess.

I grinned as I watched him notice my eyes turn yellow with the flare of a spell, "That won't be necessary." It was a trick I used so often that I no longer needed to recite the incantation. Not a moment had passed before I was up in smoke, being transported out of the Capital.

When I arrived home, I made my way directly to the bathroom, locking the door behind me and sitting up against the bathtub. Puddles, my familiar, sat as he usually did on the windsill. He had taken the form of a black tabby cat, and meowed suspiciously as I stared at him suddenly out of breath.

"Puddles," I told him, "I think I have a crush."

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