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"Judgment?" Alice replied, "What kind of judgement?"

I was shaking my head, "I can't imagine it's the good kind." I turned to look at her, tearing the page of translations to give Alice, "You should take this to His Fuzziness."

She shook her head, "You should go. It could take days for me or my father to receive an audience with him formally."

I was unconvinced. "And you think my request will be processed sooner?"

Alice smiled, "I didn't realise you were the type to request."

Hours later I was stood in the study of the Great Lycan King himself, having perhaps very illegally portalled myself in. The great ceiling was held by oak pillars, with windows overlooking the palace gardens that I had once strolled through with His Majesty himself.

I took a seat in the chair opposite the desk, taking a pen lying on the desk as if I were to begin to scribe an important document.

"Ah, Your Majesty, I have been looking for you." I smiled at the entrance of the lycan, refusing to acknowledge that I was making myself comfortable in his private quarters. I had once heard that invading another's territory was the quickest way to anger a werewolf.

He didn't say anything, however, only paused by the door and placed the documents he held in his hand on the dresser. His face was unreadable, unshaven scruff and honey hair slightly ruffled. "Morgana," was all he said.

My name on his tongue was not at all unappreciated nonetheless and I forced my lips into a tight smile. He leant against the door frame, arms folded and shirt sleeve rolled.

"I come bearing gifts," I told him, waving the translations in the air.

Cain raised his eyebrows, as if to question what I was attempting to prove. I sighed, "The rune. Well, not so much a rune, and more of a warning. For you, Mr Fuzzy Paws."

If the name bothered him, he did not let it show. "A warning?"

I nodded, "Judgment upon you. An archaic language with a rather archaic translation, but I have done my best."

He said nothing, only moved towards his documents that he had set aside and began to sift through them.

"No thank you, oh great witch? I owe you a lifetime of gratitude," I exclaimed, sardonically. He was ignoring me, and it induced a rage I hadn't felt in a long time.  The paper in my hand became flames before dissipating into ash. This caught his attention.

The alpha straightened his back, his royal status made apparent by the formality of his voice. "The kingdom is in your debt."

I raised an eyebrow. "And what of its king?"

"I'm already in your debt, Ana," his eyes were soft, like milk, "You know this."

"I'm sorry," I said suddenly, almost taken aback by how remorseful I sounded, " for putting you to sleep, I mean."

His Fuzzy Paws shook his head, now grinning as if the thought amused him. I couldn't help but notice the dimples that appeared as his smile grew, and how my hands itched to trace them. "I didn't imagine it possible," he mused.

"How do you think I earned such a reputation? My charm?" I remarked, my words rich with sarcasm despite the grin on my face mirroring his own.

Cain was looking at me now, watching me, "I wouldn't be surprised."

"Alice asked me..." my eyebrows furrowed, suddenly unsure if I wanted to broach this conversation with him. Hello, Great Lycan, I'm your mate. But you already knew that, didn't you?

"She told me that the council wishes to investigate me," I said, quickly redirecting the conversation before I lost composure and admitted to both him and myself that I wanted him in a way that damned all conventions but most importantly, Alice.

He was not surprised by this, "They were concerned that you were able to sedate me. They are less concerned now they know why."

I smiled, leaning my head back with a grin, "Because their lycan king can be bested by a simple witch?"

He was still watching me. "Because you are my mate, Morgana."

The smile disappeared. "But you knew that, didn't you?" he spoke softly, too softly that I was sure I could now feel my heart in my throat.

I turned my head to look out at the palace gardens below, my thoughts on that night I leant my head on his arm and he held my weight. Just for a moment, and perhaps a few moments more, I thought of kissing him, so that it was not my heart in my throat that prevented me from breathing, but his touch on my skin. "It was persuasion that made you shift, Your Majesty. Whatever they were trying to force you to do was unsuccessful."

"How can you be sure?" his voice was curious, but steady.

I was almost angered by his equanimity, the way he could discuss business as if he had not just admitted for the first time to me that our souls, according to whatever lycan belief remained, were a part of one another.

"I felt it, your mind, I mean, that evening" my eyebrows furrowed at the memory and at how strange it was to see a mind that fractured but seemingly familiar, "Spells have consequences if they are not enacted successfully. The persuasion was not complete and it left the balance between you and your beast fragile."

"Beast? Is that what you think of me?" Cain made his way across the room with a look in his eye that made him seem more predator than man. And for some peculiar reason, despite the fact I had broken in and taunted him with answers without a single concern for my safety, I abruptly rose to my feet.

He stood before me with a stupid smile on his face. One hand took my waist to pull me closer to him and the other found the base of my neck, stroking the skin gently. "A beast?" his tone feigned shock as if he was - or even could me - insulted.

The dog was toying with me. I wasn't quite sure if his hand was on my neck because he wanted to kiss me, or to remind me that he could break it without flinching. He wouldn't dare, I thought. Not simply because I wouldn't give him the chance, but because his overgrown mutt wouldn't let him.

"A good for nothing beast," I corrected, "You can add enjoys breaking and entering to the list"

"And whose office do you think this is?"

I looked around, pretending I was unsure, "Can't be anyone's important."

He was laughing again, but this time my hand reached the side of his face to his dimples. He froze when I touched him, and I was now unsure of myself, of how close we were together. I pulled back and Cain let me move away, but not so far that he couldn't reach for my hand.

"You'll stay for dinner, won't you?" he asked, honey eyes filled with a longing I couldn't quite shake.

So I didn't. I simply nodded my head.

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