03- i hate my sister.

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Violet had completely forgotten about her conversation with Stu at school, she didn't even remember going to school, that's why he admitted to it, he knew she would forget. That's the magic of drugs.

A huge two story country home with a spacious lawn.

A yellow school bus stops in front of the house and Sidney and Violet step off.

The house looks big and lonely as Sidney moves up the walk to the front door. Violet moving towards the back of the house.

Sidney is on the telephone. Violet is snorting crushed pills in the bathroom.

" You sure I can stay over? My dad won't be back til Sunday."
Sidney talks into the phone.

"No prob. I'll pick you up after practice."
Tatums voice comes through the phone on speaker

"Tell your mom I said thanks."
Sidney sighs looking towards the bathroom, hearing Violets blaring music stop.

"Yeah, yeah...are you okay?"
Tatum asks slightly concerned.

"Uh-huh, it's just...you know, the police and reporters...it brings it all back."
Sidney shrugs.

"Brings what back? The fact you're a lying bitch?."
Violet walks out of the bathroom sniffing and wiping her nose.

"At least I don't snort my problems away."
Sidney mumbles.

"At least i'm not a lying cunt."
Vi says back sticking out both her middle fingers and sitting on the opposite end of the couch.

"What's your problem with me Vi? I'm your sister , mom wouldn't want this."
Sidney tears up. Fake tears.

"Are you seriously crying right now? Mom was a cheating whore and she didn't want shit to do with me or you Sid, I found her not you. Why would you even lie and say you did when you know I found her not you."
Violet was the one tearing up this time. Real tears.

"You used to be so sweet Vi, you used to be so loving and compassionate. What happened."
Sidney was seriously wondering what had happened to her sweet sister.

"I watched mom get murdered and I didn't do shit about it Sid, I watched my best friend get gutted and i didn't do shit. Okay? That's what happened, people change. I've changed."
Violet wiped her tears and went out side and sat on the porch swing, knees to her chest and just let it out. All the pain and suffering she had endured but never really felt.

"I'll be there by seven. I promise"
Tatum said awkwardly.

"Thanks Tatum, sorry abt Vi. She's fucked up in the head from all the drugs and drinks."
Sidney tried to lie.

"Uh okay."
Tatum quickly hung up the phone.

Sidney puts the phone back in the holder. She takes a seat at her computer and boots it up. She sits in front of it staring at the blue screen...her own reflection staring back.

Sidney comes down the stairs, her arms carrying a change of clothes, toothbrush, make-up...

She opens the hall closet and pulls a small overnight bag from the top shelf. Moving into the living room she loads it up, plopping
down on the sofa, hitting the TV remote.
Violet still outside, not even crying anymore just in the same position zoned out. The pills kicking in from an hour before.

A news reporter fades in.
Gale weathers appears, standing in front of the school. Her white teeth gleaming.

"This is not the first time the small town of Bayboro has endured such tragedy. Only a year ago, Maureen Prescott, wife and mother, was found raped and murdered..."

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