Chapter 3

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Aphelios, please. Think about it this way, the sooner they will take you back as one of them.

I scowl as I gather my things. Who will protect them when I'm away on some stupid wild goose chase in Ionia?

I've heard that there are good warriors in Ionia, maybe you'll learn something about fighting.

Oh yeah? And where exactly did you hear that?


Sure you did.

It's true!

Whatever, I'll see this Karma and I'll come back. It'll be quick.

I sling my pack over my shoulder and walk out of the tent. There are some Lunari gathered around. They're all scowling and some aren't even looking me in the eye.

Say goodbye to our parents before you leave.

I don't say anything.

Aphelios! I know you can hear me! Go say goodbye, if not for you then for me.

I sigh. Their tent is on the other side of camp. As far away from me as possible. I begin walking, my steps slow, counting them as I go. I lay my hand on the opening of their tent, fully intent on opening it. But then I hear them arguing. 

"That little failure! That child would be better off gone!" Mom roars. There's the sound of something breaking. I look through the crack in the fold of the tent. Mom is standing over a broken picture frame. The picture is of the four of us, before... well before a lot of things. Alune is in the photo, my hair is long, and were all... smiling. 

Dad catches my eye from where he's sitting the desk chair. 

"I'm going to get some water from the river." He says and picks up a rusted bucket. We walk in silence into the forest, until we reach the stream. 

He reaches up and cups my cheek in his hand. I flinch away at first, but then consent to his touch. 

"My son, my beautiful baby boy." His eyes are deep and filled with tears. "Please be safe, and come back soon.

I nod, and he pulls me into a hug. "And Alune, keep your brother safe for me. Ok?" He sniffles. and pulls out of the hug. 

This all still feels so distant. I take a pen and small notepad out of my coat pocket and I begin to write

Thank you for everything. 

Please keep everyone safe.

I love you.

He nods and presses the paper to his heart. "See you later." 

I shake my head in agreement and walk into the forest. 

That night, was the last time I saw him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2022 ⏰

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