Chapter 47 ~ The Csa

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All the vampires gathered around, the Ileín in the center as they faced the field of dead bodies. Some were confused. Others were horrified. Iérti noticed most of the vampires were from different ships, the ones that landed first on planet Magarra prior to them. He saw recognition on some of their faces as they surveyed the dead, some of that recognition turning into guilt.

Írásom came to stand at her husband's side, careful not to stand too close, knowing he was angry with her. Iérti stood at Mallen's other side, watching the Ileín as he turned to address the crowd. There were neither humans nor Magarrans among them, only vampires.

"Nearly two hundred Magarrans died," the Ileín spoke, his authoritative voice carrying to the back of the crowd, allowing everyone to hear every word clearly. "None of them have any injuries. They were all drained dry of their blood."

The Ileín turned into his true form, yellow dust spiraling all around him as vampires stepped back in astonishment. The Ileín's face was unrecognizable as he maintained his glowing yellow humanoid form, completely becoming the yellow dust in this form.

The Ileín spoke firmly, saying, "My people were killed by your kind. I brought them here to protect them. Your leader advised you all not to give in to temptation, forbidding you from feeding on humans of a foreign planet. But some of you disobeyed and went against his orders, giving in to your thirst and breaking his command. Now nearly two hundred of my people are dead. The same people I fought hard to give them a new life. To see their new life end so suddenly...."

The Ileín glanced at the dead, his voice dropping its lamenting as it began taking on a grave tone. "Your kind has managed to successfully wipe out humans on three planets. Not one, but three. And now my planet is being threatened by your kind. I understand you need human blood. I was going to supply you with what you needed, had you simply waited. But most of you gave in to temptation, and now innocent humans are dead."

The Ileín's eyes blazed yellow in vengeful anger. "You all shall cease to be vampires. Those who have taken what's forbidden will die and vanish from this earth. Those who resisted will remain alive, but you will turn into the Csa: a kind of being that no longer feeds on humans. Instead, you will feed on yourself."

The vampires were utterly shocked. "WHAT!" were a few of their reactions. Mallen suddenly gripped Írásom close, stunned by the Ileín's words. Iérti felt a total let down; he had been hoping to become human again. Blaise looked repulsed. Romena's face was that of astonishment, lined with confusion.

Iérti stepped forward, saying to the Ileín, "I don't understand. Why give us this fate? Why can't I become human again? Am I not worthy to become human? Are my crimes too great to absolve?"

Mallen lowered his eyes, wishing Iérti didn't feel that way.

The Ileín regarded Iérti with kind, gentle eyes. "You are most certainly worthy, and there is one with crimes far greater than yours, yet those crimes can be pardoned," he told Iérti. "However, the path you want will keep a dark truth hidden, and you must learn this dark truth before you leave the land of the living. There is only one path assigned to your kind; that is the path you must follow."

Iérti surprised everyone by unexpectedly throwing himself at the Ileín's feet and pleading, "I beg you, Ileín, please turn me back into a human! I want nothing more than to reunite with my wife and daughter. The only way I can is to be mortal again. I never wanted to be immortal. Please, Ileín....turn me back into a human. That would be all I would ever ask of you. If you won't grant me this request, then let me touch you so that I may die and finally be with my family again."

Iérti reached out to touch the Ileín, knowing that anyone who touched the Ileín would die immediately, but the Ileín's yellow-tinted force field kept Iérti from getting too close. The Ileín looked sadly at Iérti, who stood in frustration, tears streaming down his face.

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