Chapter 6

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Gay4Gon: Soooo anyone want to raid a chocolate factory??

Steal ur girl: Which one?

Gay4Gon: The one that makes chocorobos ✯ᴗ✯

Steal ur girl: I'm in

Gay4Killua: Killua no, if you want chocorobos than I'll buy them

Gay4Gon: But why spend the money when you can steal?

Steal ur girl: I agree

4 in 1 Shampoo: The kids got a point..

Zushi is online

Zushi: I just hit a bunny :((

Sexy Mama: Oh.. looks like Easter is cancelled.. thanks a lot!

Wing: BISKY!!

Sexy Mama: What?

Zushi: STOP!! He ran out in front of me, what do I do ;-;

Sexy Mama: Have rabbit stew ◉‿◉

Zushi: NO


Sexy Mama: Why not? Trauma builds character doesn't it?

Wing: No it does NOT!

Sexy Mama: Nonsense, if I didn't have trauma then I wouldn't be much fun at all

Wing: Sure, but you'd be less CRAZY?!

Sexy Mama: That's not the point here

Wing: Whatever, just stop traumatizing my student

Gay4Killua: I just wanna say something

Doctor lover: and that is??

Gay4Killua: aulomani iko means 'I hate you ' in Fijian (◔‿◔)

Doctor lover: random, but good to know; Chrollo aulomani iko.

4 in 1 Shampoo: Aulomani iko to Tinkerbell lookalike

Gay4Gon: Illumi, this is hard to say (not) but... aulomani iko.

Bug eyes: That is the sweetest thing you have ever said to me

Gay4Gon: Wait... What??

Bug eyes: don't worry about it

Gay4Killua: Don't listen to him Killua he's just weird (;;;・_・)

Gay4Gon: Sure.. ok then..

Deadbeat Asshole: Pfft, good one son

Kurta Lover: Son? 🧐 I don't think so buddy

Deadbeat Asshole: Can someone change my name?

Kurta Lover: Sure 😏

Kurta Lover changed 'Deadbeat Asshole' to 'Khange khodah'

Khange khodah: wait what? I need to search what that means

2 minutes later

Khange khodah: Fuck you, I am no 'screw up of god'

Kurta Lover: Are you sure about that🤨🤭

Sexy Mama: This is surprisingly entertaining 👀

Dilf ᕙ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ: When they're into drama (。♡‿♡。)

Silva: How am I related to you again?

Dilf ᕙ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ: idk, ask your mum- oh wait 🤭

Silva: you mean ask your wife? Oh wait- 😬

I fucked ur mum: Sorry to say but you walked into that one 😬

Gay4Gon: I'm actually going to be staying outta this one.. unless..

Bug eyes: Unless what?

Gay4Gon: You look like one of those people who would ask for more sauce after you ate all your food

Gay4Gon:  You look like that one emo kid from school that would randomly bark at people

Gay4Gon: You're so desperate to get affection that you literally married a clown

Needle lover: HEY! I'm not a clown, I'm a magician ~

Bug eyes: Not. Helping. Hisoka.

Gay4Gon: You look like you spend more time on your hair then you will ever on social interaction

Bug eyes: .. you done ?

Gay4Gon: You literally act more like an ant then the chimera ants

Gay4Gon: Now I'm done.

I fucked ur mum: Damn..

Silva: What have I raised..

Dilf ᕙ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ: Silva.. what did you do to my grandson?

Kikyo: That's my son 🥰

Bug eyes: ;-;

Pitou: umm, don't mind me...

Pitou changed 'Kite' to 'Patchwork'

Patchwork: Rude mf


Again, no idea what I'm doing... Anygayz.. here's a meme to make up for my lack of creativity ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ

 here's a meme to make up for my lack of creativity ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ

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