3. Let's hang out!

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Jeeez, why are lessons are so loooong? I'm missing Taiyo...

I was thinking while listening to the boring teacher of literature. I looked to the window and I saw Mikey and Draken entering our school.
I haven't seen them for a week. Are they here for me? Or Takemichy? I think I won't leave my class, since I want to get home in time today.

We are having Taiyo for a week already, and he got bigger for this short time. The veterinarian said that he is not sure, but ut would be a big dog. Mom wasn't really glad to hear it, but I was excited. Doc also gave us advice to train him and teach commands, and I started doing it right on that day. I suddenly became really motivated to work hard on lessons, so making homework won't take too much time, so I can spend more of it with my dog. He already knows some commands and he really likes running.

The lesson was over, there only one left. I didn't left the class to not bump into Mikey. The next lesson began and I sighed in relief. Well, perhaps he has some other business here.
I was listening attentively to the teacher of ecology. This was kinda boring, but his explanations are pretty interesting and he sometimes jokes with us, so I like listening to him. Just when the lesson was about to finish the door of the class opened and I saw... MIKEY?!

Teacher was confused, Mikey asked Takemitchy to go with him, and that bumbass just did what he said. Teacher didn't react and continued the lesson. I saw Hinata was angry and she suddenly left the classroom.

"Hinata-san!" - I screamed and followed her. She was damn fast...
I saw Mikey having some fuss with Takemichy, when Hinata just ran in front of him and slapped Mikey. I recalled Mikey kicking the highgrader and froze.

"Let's go Takemichy" she grabbed his hand when Draken grabbed Hinata's arm.

This time my blood boiled, I haven't heard anything they were saying I headed to them. I noticed Mikey glaring angrily to them, and then he just smiled and Draken took his hand off Hinata.

I stood there confused.

"Oh, hi Y/n, see you later!" - waved Mikey.

I was just starting him leaving the school. Hinata's friend brought our bags and gave me mine.

"Thanks..." I sad keeping my eyes on Hinata.

"What's going on? I heard some noise..."

"Well, Hinata slapped that delinquent guy, and he just admired her strength" I said confused.

"Well, that's why she is our class representative" giggled the girl, - "well, I'll take my leave, bye!" she said and went away.

Hinata, Draken, Takemichy and Mikey were leaving the school. I decided to leave through another entrance.

I was hurrying up to the station, and chills went down my spine when I saw Mikey on the station. I came to him.

"Hi, why are you here?" I asked.

"I thought you followed Tachibana-chan, but then you disappeared. I wanted to meet you." he said with a warm smile.

"Why? You haven't seen me for a week, why have you decided to see me now?

He scratched the back of his neck.

"Well, I didn't have your number, and I wasn't sure you'll give it to me.

I crossed my arms, "You could asked Takemichy."

"I can't. Draken yelled at me and said I should ask it myself" - he said with a said voice.

I looked at him with my strict look.

"I'll give you my number" - I said exhaling.

His eyes widened and he smiled widely taking his phone. He really looks like Taiyo, knowing he's gonna have a tasty snack right now. I gave him my number and he called me right after.

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