What do kids dream of in a flower garden?

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It was just another day. It might have been sunny outside, but, from deep, deep into the cave, there is no way this human nor their monster friend would have been able to tell.

Still, it was a nice day in the garden, and as usual, Chara was teasing their brother while the two played around the flowers.

"Hey Chara, I've been wondering for a while now... what do you want to be when you grow up?" Asriel said, sitting down in the grass.
Chara stopped running, and seemingly started to think. "Mmh... I'm not sure. I never really thought about it." they shrugged, seating near the goat boy.

Asriel looked slightly confused at his sibling's response. "You're not sure? Really? But most kids have dreams! Don't you?"
"I guess I just never really thought about it is all." Chara quieted down, their voice even quieter than before. It seemed clear by the look on their face that they were a bit uncomfortable with the topic of the conversation. What DO they want to be? Before falling down here, this question never even crossed their mind. The only thing they ever wanted back then was... stability? Or anything else than what they had, really. But now, now they finally had that stability and peace. Was it really acceptable for them to wish for something now?

"Well, if you don't know what you want to be then that means you can have any dream!" The goat boy exclaimed.
Chara looked up, interrupted from their thoughts.
"Plus you're smart, so you could do a lot of stuff! Since you like reading you could open a book shop maybe! Oh, or a flower shop, since you love flowers! Oooh, how about a flower-book shop, where you sell both?!"

Chara gave a small smile and nodded. "It does sounds nice..." They replied. "How about making a triple combo and make it a tea shop also? I'm sure dad would like that." They added, with a small laugh.

"Haha! He'd spend all his time there and mom would scold him!" Asriel leaned back into the grass and crossed his arms. "Me though, I'm going to be king when I grow up, just like him!" He proclaimed.
Chara tilted their head. "King?"
"Of course! Can't you see it?!" Asriel gestured dramatically with his hands as he spoke. "Asriel Dreemurr, King of the Underground!!"
Asriel giggled. "But of course I'd let you rule with me! You could be like.... part time monarch, or something! Then you can have time for another job!"

"Wow, responsabilities much?" The brunette answered, light-heartedly.
The goat boy shook his head. "Nah! You've got this! Just wait till we're grown up and get ready to live in our own castle!"
Chara gave a small laugh. "Don't we already live in one?."
"Mmh, true, but we could improve it!" Asriel pointed out.
"How so?"

"Well I dunno, with lots of things! We could have a moat and everything for example!
Chara tilted their head. "What kind of castle has a moat?"
"A big one!" Asriel said, excitedly.
"Sure sounds fun, but I'm not sure mom and dad would let us modify the castle like that." Chara laughed.
"That's okay! I'll be the king, so I'll be the one in charge if making decisions then!" Asriel declared.
Chara gave a small giggle and shrugged. "If you say so."
Asriel smiled. "Good answer!" He clapped his hands together.

"We could make the water of the moat BURNING HOT, or replace it with LAVA to burn all our enemies!!" said Chara, with a pretend-evil look on their face and their arms in the air.
"Nooo, what if friends want to come over!" Asriel whimpered.
"If they're not good enough for our castle, they don't deserve to be here!" Chara retorted.
"Yeesh, your mouth is like a furnace sometimes," Asriel said, laughing.

Laughing along, the human grabbed a handful of dirt before throwing it at their brother's face. "At least I don't eat dirt with it!"
"Ow! That hurt!" The goat cried.
Chara rolled their eyes. "You're so easy to play with, Asriel!" They said, playfully.

"And now I'm all dirty, it's gotten in my fur!" Asriel complained.
"Oh well." Chara shrugged. "There are worse things than being covered in dirt."
"Like being called Asriel, being a crybaby and...oops, nevermind."
"Grraah, you're on!!" Roared Asriel, playfully.

The moment Chara's hair found itself full of dirt was the moment war begun. The two siblings squirmed and struggled for the perfect opportunity to get dirt on their sibling, without getting covered in it in the process.
The ferocious battle lasted until their mother interrupted to notify them to get prepared for dinner.

Needless to say, Toriel wasn't too happy of the result and sighed, realizing she would need to prepare a bath for them first.

Chara & Asriel 0 - Toriel -1

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