Ch. 3

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Hello! Welcome back to this story! Anyway enjoy ☺️

Tamaki's mother had to go to work that morning, so he was left alone. He had convinced his mom for him to stay home from school.

"I'm hungry.."

He walks to the kitchen to make himself some toast.

-with Nejire and Mirio-

"Have you heard from Tamaki?" Nejire asks her blonde headed friend. "No.. what about you?" She shakes her head. "Nope- me neither" They both sigh.

Fatgum walks up to the two heros. "Where is Amijiki?" He asks them. "We don't know sir..." Nejire tells him. He sighs "Why is he like this? Is he sick or something?" "I- um I think that maybe.." "What do you mean, Togata?" Fatgum looks at him. Nejire gives Mirio the side eye as if to say "don't you dare". "He probably got overwhelmed yesterday and is scared he has to do it again.." Nejire relaxed at his response.

"Yeah, you are probably right.." Fatgum agrees "I just wanted him to meet my new intern. They will be working together."

"Is it one of the first-years?" "Yes child." He looks at Mirio "Yes it is.

A girl suddenly appears from out of the shadows. "Hey it's like my quirk!" Mirio smiles.

"Wait-" Nejire notices you looked familiar

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"Wait-" Nejire notices you looked familiar.

"I'll let y'all get to know each other" Fatgum walks away.

"Let's go for a bite to eat!" Mirio chimes in.


"Yes ma'am, 3 please." You say to the seater. When she walks you and the others to your table you guys say thanks and sit down. "So.." You start "What did you want to talk to me for?" "Oh right!" Nejire laughs. "So, we have this friend, he is kinda- well super shy and I think you might like hi-" "We think you'd get along" Mirio cuts her off. "Oh ok" You reply. You were kinda hoping for something else...

Mirio gives the long haired a look.

"My name is Patrick and I'll be your waiter for today." A skinny man tell you and the others ending the weird silence between us. "Can I start y'all off with some drinks or are you ready to order?"

Mirio answers before we could say anything. "We will go ahead and order now" he smiles. "Ok then, what would you like sir?" He looks at Mirio. You order last so you have a minute to decide what you want. Great..I am gonna have to order something... ugh food. You shudder at the thought of eating.

When you were younger you loved sushi so your mom would make some for you very often. It was so good. You can still taste the bitterness of the seaweed mixed with the savory of the fish. Every individual grain of rice  was cooked to perfection. The only part you didn't like was the fear of eating some. Your father like you loved sushi. But for different reasons. He loved to throw it like grenades at you and sometimes your mother.
When you got older you decided to simply not eat sushi so you wouldn't have to be a sushi throwing punching bag. However, he found out my reason for not eating/asking for it anymore. And he got pissed. I thought it would stop the harsh thing he did to me but it only made it worse. The beatings started to get more frequent and started to bleed. And when you weren't there to intervene he would beat your mom. I wasn't hard to find out though because she would have bruises all over her. He would hit her saying that it was her fault I was here and that I never was wanted. My bedtime kisses were screamed at me through my door as hateful words about or to me. He would say how perfect his life was when I wasn't there and how I ruined his life so he will make mine even worse. And how I took up space in his home, occupying a room that he could have used. I would wait for silence outside and then let all my tears out then. If he heard me crying he would get angry and come in your room.
But that wasn't all he did.
Once when you were 11 he came home drunk with some of his friends. You hid in your closet and locked the door. Following your moms orders if the current situation was ever to happen. He called your name multiple times. You could feel the words pierce your heart. You truly did believe he still loved you somewhere.
After about 15 minutes one of his friends found me and broke down the door. I wanted to yell at him for breaking the door but I couldn't. You bit your tongue to see if it was a dream. It wasn't. Metal taste surrounds your mouth.
When the guy called his friends including my dad I was on the verge of tears. You really did bite hard.
Then the rolled dice seeing who would get the prize, me, my virginity.


All the memories come rushing back to you. You start to breathe heavy. "I- I'll just stick with my drink thanks.."
"Alrighty then" the waiter smiles I'll have your food in a few minutes" he walks away.
"Yelra, are you good?" Nejire asks you. She looks very worried. "Yeah I'm sorry.." "what are you even apologizing for?" Mirio asks you. "I- worrying you?" You sheepishly laugh out.

~time skip to lunch the next day~

Tamaki came back today. All four of us were sitting at a table in the corner of the lunch room. You liked how all the grades ate together. You and Tamaki didn't say much and stayed red faced the whole time. It was quite obvious that you two liked each other. Mirio broke the tension. "Hey Seno, where is your lunch?" "Oh- I'm not hungry.." you look down.
Your stomach growls but Mirio and Negire started talking so they didn't hear it. But Tamaki did. He mustered up the courage to speak. "Uh.. it doesn't sound like it..." You look at him. "I-I'm sorry! Don't hurt me!" He cries.
"I'm not going to hurt you silly." You smile. You both blush and look away. "Hey I was wondering.." you start playing with your hair "do you want to go grab a milkshake after school?.." you look back up at him. "I- yeah uh- I would like that..." he is practically whispering now.
Little did they know their friends had been listening the whole time.

Ahhhhhh! I did it! I am crying now.

Tamaki x reader: My shy boi Where stories live. Discover now