ch. 5

23 1 0

Hello fellow humans!
Joanna if you are reading this I just want to tell you that I am so grateful for you and your support throughout all this from Secrets to now. I just am so thankful for you. You are what keeps making me come back to continue the story 🫶🏼.

⚠️Disclaimer: this chapter includes potential offensive comments/words, some very cringy flirting/little bit of fluff , underage drinking ⚠️

Anyway what y'all wanna read 👇👇👇


-that afternoon-
-in gc-

N: hey guys:)
M: wassup
M:y'all guess what?
N: hmm?
M: ... I forgot-
N: ok -_-
M: srry
N: ur good don't worry
M: ok thanks
N: np :)
..5 mins later..
T: huh?
N: ?
N: what???
N: where u go?
M: ? Uhhhh hello?
N: where is he?
M: idk 2 mins later..
T: help me
M: with what? Homework?
M: cuz I need help with that
N: no hush
M: :(
T: ...
T: maybe I shouldn't go
N: ?
M: go where?
N: yea
T: oh yeah y'all didn't kno-
N: about what?
T: um well I'm going to go get a milkshake..
N: shush let him speak I think I kno what he means
M: ok what?
N: shh
M: fine
T: promise u won't tell?
N: yea
T: well- idk if it's a date date or what but I'm getting a milkshake with someone
T: :))))
N: yayyyy congrats
M: nice!
M: who is it???
T: um
T: a first year
N: ooo is it who I think?
T: I can't read minds idk
M: sometimes I wish you could
N: Mirio!!
T: it's ok
T: but I think we r thinking of same person..
N: YES!!
N: good luck! I think she likes u :)
M: ah yes young love
*one person reacted "just no" to this message*
T: ummmmmm
N: cringe x-x


The dark haired boy paces around his room trying to figure out what exactly to wear. He eventually decides on a sweatpants and a t-shirt.
As he attempts to walk out the door, "Amijiki?!" "What on Earth are you wearing?!" His mom stops what she was doing to come over to her son who is now blushing. "Umm- clothes?" He knew that was the wrong answer but he said it anyway besides why did she care this was nicer than he usually wore out. Unless she knew-
"You are not going on your first date in that!" She scolds. "But- wait... how do you even know what I'm doing? And it's not a date." He starts fidgeting with his fingers. "I think" he whispers the last part.
"I don't care if it is or not. At least wear a coat over your top it looks like you slept in it and then spilled food all over the side of it"
"Ok fine I guess it's kinda cold too.." he shrugs happy he doesn't have to change completely.
-after getting his coat from his bedroom-
"Ok bye sweetheart!" His mom waves "stay safe please and be back before midnight" " ok Mom" he leans down and kisses his mom's forehead. "Bye" he starts playing with the strings on his coat.
On the way to the diner he can't stop thinking about what his friends had said as well as his mother. That it was a date. Had he really been asked in a date!? No. It couldn't be. He wasn't that lucky. A girl that pretty and kind asked him on a date? It just didn't add up. He acted so awkward to her even more than he normally would. He sighs as he looks up from his shoes. He can see the place he's going not too far away but it feels like forever to get there with all of his thoughts. It felt like a million miles away.
When he finally got there he was exhausted. He didn't take off his coat even when he got super hot because he didn't want to disappoint his mom. But man, did he regret it. He looks around for you but goes to sit down when he doesn't see you. But of course he couldn't dodge the waitress, he was halfway to a small table in the back when she came up to him. "Hello sir! Where are you going? Aren't you gonna order first?" She starts hammering him with questions. "Ummm.. I'm sorry... I'm not- I don't- I'm uh I'm waiting for um... uh- sorry..." he buries his head into his hood. Thank goodness for the jacket after all. "Sorry-" he says one last time. "I wanna go home" he mumbles into his jacket. "Are you ok sir?" "Are you going to order?" He felt like he was going to die from all the questions being asked. He felt a wave of tears coming. It was too overwhelming and no one was there that he was comfortable with there. Why did he have to be this way?


The whole place went silent.
No one said anything while the lady walked away stunned.
Your quirk had gone off with your emotions and no one had seen anything like it before. As well the fact that you just yelled at a random waitress of course. Tamaki looks concerned at you and you give him a reassuring look that seems to soothe him. Cute... sigh well I hope this goes well.
"So, Tamaki?" "Hmm?" He looks up at you. "What is it" "come on" you motion to the table in the corner of the diner. "Ok" he follows you and sits down. He is very stiff from nerves. "So um-" Tamaki tries to start a conversation which meant a lot coming from him. You hadn't been with him much but you could tell he wasn't the type to text first or say something freely instead of answering someone. Damn it I wanna squeeze his little face! He obviously saw you staring at him because he looked away red as a tomato. But you could've sworn you saw him smile a little bit. Just the thought of him smiling, let alone at you, made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Is this what real, genuine love feels like? It reminds me of Momma a little bit.. but different.. NO don't think about her!
"Uh hey.. Seno?" You must've zoned out "hm? Oh sorry. I got lost in thought" you laugh sheepishy. He gives you a sweet look when you laugh. And just like that it was your turn to blush. Not only did you blush but you must have released a little bit of your "light" quirk because of your feelings because Tamaki looked at you like you were some kind of freak. "Whatever I did I am very sorry" I start but he cuts you off.
-after y'all order and get y'all's milkshake-
"Um... why do we only have one shake?" Tamaki asks you. "I don't know didn't we both order one?" "I thought we did... maybe we didn't?" "Our order could've been confused too" you add. "... we could um.. we could uh share- share the milkshake..." he starts to pick at his skin which is turning clammy. You both blush and look away quickly. "I- I guess we could.." "yeah let's just share it"
Yes!!! We gonna share a milkshake, that's so romantic!
You both were given a straw so you put them in the single shake. All was good. The milkshake was delicious. You hadn't had a milkshake in years and you had forgotten how good it was. It was difficult to get down but you did it.

We ended up getting some alcohol at some point. You were both underage but you both were larger for y'all's age plus y'all were fit which made y'all look older too. Tamaki surprisingly had a pretty high tolerance for it but after the 2nd or 3rd glass he started to get tipsy. Your tolerance levels aren't as good as his so you started to feel a little tipsy after 1 or 2 glasses. Long story short y'all were drunk.

Ok so I wasn't gonna do this this early on but like I just got to typing and it just came up. If you know you know and if you don't know what on Earth are you even doing on Wattpad of all places? 💀
Stay safe!
❤️-author chan

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