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The war's over and I'm living a quiet life in London all alone in my flat. I couldn't get my parents back, the charm was too strong, and all my friends are still grieving, I don't want to intrude. So I'm living on my own until I can go back to Hogwarts in a couple months. 

I'm laying on my couch, curled up in a ball, not wanting to get up, but not because of the war or anything. I'm just having period cramps. 

The door bell rings and I reluctantly get up, thinking it's the pizza I ordered. However when I open the door it's the face of Blaise Zabini that greets me, not my pizza. 

"What are you doing here?" I ask him, my cramps ALMOST forgotten. 

"I have some things to tell you. May I come in?" I don't see why not, so I agree and let him in. 

We sit down, and I curl back up into a ball on the couch. 

" were adopted." He tells me with a sigh. 

"What?! No I wasn't!" What does he mean? Of course the Grangers are my parents!

"Yes you were. You see, you're my twin sister, Sofia Beatrice Zabini." He continues. 

"Then why was I living with the Grangers?!" I demand. "If your my twin wouldn't we have both been adopted?!" 

He sighs again, "That's the thing. Sofia...Hermione, I'm sorry but..the reason Mother gave you away to the Grangers is because she had arranged your marriage. In exchange for you marrying Draco we would get 10,000 Galleons. We were in a tight spot and we needed the money. They gave us 2,000 Galleons upfront and the rest were to be given after the wedding. But then Mother married again and we had a lot of money once more. She regretted her choice and decided to give you away and pretend that you went missing, so you would't have to marry someone prearranged for you. But now we're in a tight spot again. Nobody will marry her, she's got a reputation and isn't as beautiful as she was in her younger days. She sent me to get you back, so she can get the 8,000 Galleons from you and Draco's marriage. Though, for the record, I only came because I thought you deserved the truth and I wanted to meet my twin sister." He adds. 

I slowly process his words, "Wait, by Draco you don't mean..." I trail off and he nods. 

"Yes, your engaged to my best friend. Draco Malfoy." And with those words. I faint. 

I'm a Zabini?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt