Chapter One

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When I come to I'm sitting in a lavish bedroom, on the plushest bed ever. Blaise sits in front of me. 

When I sit up, he sighs in relief, "Good! I was so worried! You were only out for five minutes but I thought I killed you." 

I roll my eyes, "I just fainted, don't be idiot." 

He laughs, "Easy for you to say, Miss. Brightest Witch of Her Age." 

I flip my hair, "Yeah, I am pretty smart, it must be hard to compare." 

Suddenly the door opens and a stern looking woman walks in. She has long, luscious black hair, bright green eyes framed by long black lashes, a face extremely young looking, with olive skin and no blemishes, and perfect heart shaped lips with deep red lipstick. 

"Ah, Sofia, you've awakened. Blaise told me you fainted at hearing who you're engaged to. I know it's shocking, you probably never expected to snag such a bachelor-" 

I cough, "Not exactly," I mumble under my breath. 

"but rest assured, this is real life, no need to pinch yourself, it'll mar your skin." She continues. "Now, Draco is how currently. His parents couldn't make it, but he came, so you are going to meet him. But first, some rules." She glares at me, "No saying that you weren't kidnapped. That's the story I'm going with. And no planning to break the marriage apart. No arguing against it, no back talk, and certainly no complaining." 

I quickly nod, and she continues. "And one last thing. Go into your closet. I'm going to remove the glamour, after it's removed, change into a nice dress. Draco needs to be impressed. Hopefully you made a good impression throughout your years in school." 

Yep, totally did that. I think to myself as I enter the massive walk in closet and close the door. I hear my mum saying a spell and then the clack of her heels walk out of my? room. 

I look into the full length mirror in front of me. My hair is now dark, like mum's, and in waves. It extends a little farther than before, down to my mid back(what? I haven't cut it in a while). My eyes are still brown, but more of an amber or honey brown, and they are framed by the same lashes that mum has. I has the olive skin tone mum has as well. My chest has expanded, my butt curves more, and I have more of a figure. Not gonna lie, I kinda look like a model. But what can be expected when your mum is known as the hottest/sexiest/most beautiful girl in the wizarding world? 

I quickly change into a curve hugging red dress, pop on some gold jewelry, and sit down at my vanity to do my makeup. I look gorgeous and I LOVE my new look. 

When I walk out Blaise smiles at me, "You look great! You look like my sister." 

I roll my eyes, "Well I am doofus." 

He rolls his back, "You know what I mean." 

He offers me his arm but I decline. We walk out and he leads me to a room where my nemesis and bully for 7 years, Draco Malfoy, and my mum who doesn't care about me sit on couches. 

Malfoy whistles, "Damn! Blaise, your sister is HOT!" 

Mum gives a smile, "Well, she is my daughter." Her laugh after sounds a little forced. Is she jealous of ME? I'm 18! She's 40! 

Blaise sits down next to Malfoy and I sit across from my new fiancee. 

Malfoy turns to Blaise, "Didn't you say your sister went to Hogwarts, but she had a glamour charm and a different name since she was kidnapped?" 

Blaise nods. "Then who are you?" Malfoy asks, addressing me this time.

"1 word, punch." I say, with a smirk that could ALMOST rival the infamous Malfoy one.

He gapes, "Granger?!" 

"It's Zabini." I tell him, studying my nails, which I quickly polished and dried with magic when I was changing. 

He continues to stare at me, and mum quickly says, "Why don't we head to the Dining room, dinner will probably be ready by now." 

Mum drags me and Malfoy to the far end of the massive table and sits us across from each other. She and Blaise sit at the far side of the table, which Blaise doesn't look to happy about, because he's out of earshot. 

Malfoy continues to stare at me. The house elves bring out food. It's a chicken carbonara with garlic bread and cheese sticks. 

We start eating and he finally says something. "I'm sorry." 

"What?" My fork stops halfway to my mouth. 

"I'm sorry for everything I did to you. Every word I called you. Everything I said, I didn't believe a word. But my dad instilled in me to always treat muggleborns like trash. I wanted him to love me, so I did as he said. But I never meant any of it. Now we're engaged, and I want to start over. Can you forgive me?" He asks. 

I look at him and I see the pleading, guilty face, shoulders hunched, carrying huge burdens, and I've already forgiven him. "Of course. We can start over. You can call me Sofia." 

I smile at him and it looks like a weight has been lifted from his shoulders. He beams back at me. "You can call me Draco." 

We spend the rest of the evening talking happily to one another and Draco even feeds me Tiramisu from his fork. We have so much in common, and get along so well it's like we've been friends for years. After dinner Draco pulls me over to Mum. 

"Can Sofia stay at my manor instead this summer? We could bond and I'm sure my parents would be thrilled to see her." He asks. 

She nods, and fakes a sad smile, "I'll miss her so much though, she just got back! Promise to write me every week, even during the school year do you hear me?" She says, as fake as a barbie. She even sheds a glistening tear, that's probably in joy that she doesn't have to deal with me. I can't believe she doesn't care about me and only brought me back for the money! She didn't even let me meet my twin! 

I nod, hiding a grimace. Draco grins and runs off toward my room to pack my stuff for his manor after Blaise points him in the right direction, scowling about this. 

Mum gives me a disgusted look once he's gone. "Don't you dare write me any letters. Unless it's the date of the wedding I don't care." 

Draco runs back in, my bags floating behind. He grabs onto my hand and smiles at Mum. 

"Bye Miss. Zabini! Bye Blaise!" He says, and we apparate away. 

We reappear in front of a huge manor, with sprawling grounds, and beautiful hedges. The whole thing is gorgeous. When I was here before I didn't have a chance to see the beauty of it. 

Draco grins at me and sweeps his hands forwards, "Welcome to Malfoy Manor."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2022 ⏰

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