Frigid Friend

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Rouge knocked on Sonic's door and waited patiently. As she waited, she wondered what could have made Knuckles act the way he did. At that moment, Tails opened the door.

"Hey Rouge." Tails greeted.

"Hey Tails. Is Sonic here?" Rouge asked.

"Yep, he's in the kitchen."

Rouge thanked Tails and walked inside, making her way to the kitchen. As mentioned, Sonic was in the kitchen, making himself his signature chili dog.

"Hey Rouge!" Sonic acknowledged her presence while adding the chili.

"Hey, can we talk?" Rouge asked.

"Uh, sure. Let me finish this up, and then we can talk. You can sit at the dining table for now." Sonic answered. Rouge led herself to the table, and waited for about a minute until Sonic came with a plate of two chili dogs.

"Sorry, you know how much I love chili dogs! Anyway, what do you wanna talk about?" Sonic asked, taking a bite of one of his dogs.

"Knuckles..." Rouge replied sadly.

"Eh..." Sonic stuttered, "I don't think that's a good topic to talk about... Any other ideas?"

"Knuckles." Rouge repeated.

"I..." Sonic started, but sighed in defeat.

"What?" Rouge asked.

"It's a bit of a sensitive thing." Tails answered, walking to the kitchen.

"But why...?"

Sonic took a quick breather. "It's because he has no one to spend any holiday with." Sonic said slowly.

"That makes no sense. He could spend them with any of us!" Rouge commented.

"Yeah, you know him. Such a contradiction." Tails sighed.

It confused Rouge why Knuckles wouldn't want to spend any holiday with his friends when he clearly doesn't have anyone closer to him. It made no sense!

"Thanks boys, I think I know what to do now." Rouge thanked, leaving their house.

"God, Knuckles is gonna kill me." Sonic commented, finishing his chili dogs.

Tiny Tampering • A Knuxouge StoryWhere stories live. Discover now