Chapter 2

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Oh btw so y'all don't get confused this is like the next day for them lol

Your POV
I walked into S.W.A.G and yawned I went down the the man's nest. "Uh why is everybody looking at me funny?" you asked laughing and sitting down. "your early-" you laughed and shook your head. "Mika I thought you would be the first one happy to see me here early." Mika ran towards you and laughed. "Oh no no no no it's just that why? why are you early exactly?" she chuckled nervously.

you pulled out your phone and sighed. "Because bose texted me 'help y/n come to work early I ran outta shants!' so that's why." you said as you put your phone back down. Mika looked back and glared at Bose for some reason. "aye! don't glare at my child!" you said running to Bose and holding him. "he's precious." you said pouting as Bose laughed. "it's true!" Bose said smiling.

Soon Chapa,Miles, And Ray came in with balloons. "hey guys!" you said smiling but your smile soon turned into a confused face as they all scrambled to hide the balloons. Ray had finally had enough and decided to shoot the balloons with his laser. "HEYYYY what- What are you doing hereeeeee!?" you laughed in confusion again. "Cause I work here ray in case you forgot!"
They all look extremely nervous but not Bose he was in his own little world.
"Ok you guys what is up your all acting weird especially you Chapa you haven't even thrown an insult at me bestie I'm so hurt." you joked Chapa turned to face you. "This- This is exactly why your still single." she joked and you looked at her shook. "I am not single!" you ran over to Bose and got on one knee. "Bosey will you marry me?" you asked jokingly and smiling. Bose gasped and fanned himself. Chapa smirked and pulled you away.
"ok ok you've proved your point bestie BUT will you please go to natcho ball and get us all a butt ton of food?" she asked and you groaned and rolled your eyes. "Ok fine I'll leave you guys alone but which natcho ball the close one or nice one." you asked making your way to the tube. "Nice one!" she yelled and you groaned. "THATS TO FARRRRR! UGH FINE DOWN THE TUBE!" you yelled.

"Ok ma'am would you like extra cheese on that?" the worker asked. "Uh yes please." you smiled at her. "Ok that'll be $189.99." you cried in your head as you gave her the money. 'to think on my birthday they have me doing this! and then it's an hour walk back!!!!!' you thought as you took the food and walked back to the base.
(hour later)
you walked into the man's nest and it was dark. "hello?" you said walking in but was startled by the lights cutting on.
"I AINT DYING TODAY!" You said punching someone. "AIIII why did you have to punch me!" you looked at everyone and realized it was a birthday party and not someone trying to kill you. then you looked down and realized you punched schwoz. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry." you said as Chapa pulled you away.
"happy birthday bestie...." she said smiling and hugging you.

Y'all idk why but I just really wanted to do a b-day chapter. hope y'all enjoyed

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