Chapter 1: Broken Spell pt 1

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~Bella and Serena's outfits~

Years ago, in a magic-filled dimension just adjacent to the human world, a war broke out between the forces of good, led by the mystics, and the forces of evil, led by the evil Morticon from the underworld.

During the battle, Leanbow, a strong wizard of the world cast a spell to send the evil warriors into the Underworld, where the gatekeeper was able to seal them in for good.

The human realm was to never know of the Great Battle or what had happened until the evil was to rise again.

Beyond the road that led to Briarwood, a distant rumble of two motorcycles could be heard, heading into the town.

A boy, at the age of eighteen or nineteen, was driving, while a female, around the same age, rode on back as they drove with a second female alongside them.

"So, that must be Briarwood." Nick stated looking around.

"Yeah. Seems nice." Serena said.

"Think this is where our adventure begins?" Bella asked.

"I hope so Bella." Nick said softly before they were moving yet again.

They hadn't even gotten far down the road, before the ground was shaking underneath them.

Nick tried to steady the bike, but the ground was shaking too much, and it slid, falling into the grass with the two still on.

Bella gripped onto Nick tightly, trying to hold on as hard as she could.

The bike was still on them, but they had no way to move, Nick's arms were over her, shielding her from any debris that might have fallen around them, even if they weren't anywhere near any buildings.

Serena then sits up, looking for any cuts on her. She had a bad cut on her right leg, starting at her knee and going down to the middle of her calf.

Bella pulls out a first aid kit. She hands it to Nick and he gets out gauze, antibiotic spray, and a big cotton ball. Nick sprays the cotton ball and puts it on Serena's cut and she hisses in pain.

Suddenly Bella's phone went off.

"You alright?" Nick asked as Bella answered her phone.

"Jason?" She asked.

"It's Dad Bella and are you ok?" Jason asked.

"I'm fine Dad. You don't have to call every time there's an earthquake." Bella answered.

"I just wanted to make sure that you were alright. Plus your mom Sarah was telling me to call." Jason said.

"I'm fine Dad." Bella said.

"Alright." Jason sighed.

"Tell mom that I'm ok and not to worry?" Bella asked.

"I will. Oh, Tommy wants you to call him later." Jason answered.

"Ok, I will. I have to go Dad." Bella said.

"Right, be careful Bella." Jason agreed.

"I will. Bye." Bella said.

"Bye." Jason said as they both hung up.

~Rock Porium~

"Well, that should do it." Maddie said, plopping the box back behind the cash register, looking back at her two friends and her sister inside of the Rock Porium. Vida looked up at her sister, before rolling her eyes.

It wasn't just moments ago that an earthquake had wrecked the entire store, leaving the four friends to have to clean it back up.

Bella pushed the door open to the store with a small jingle, alerting the four of a customer. She looked up, before seeing the mess and biting her lip.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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