Daphne POV: Treatment

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I thought she was gone. I thought she finally left me alone, but she wasn't. She never will be. She is like a virus that kills  from the inside. The last thing I remembered was being swept away by cold hard debris while leaking blood, and the Joker. His laugh still penetrates my mind. I heard it over and over forcing me to shrivel up into a ball, and whimper. Hopeing that he wasn't still in front of me. Hurting me, or waiting for me to open my eyes to witness my own death. I couldn't wake up. I didn't want to. That would be suicide. I knew....no....I expected that I was going to live a short life, and for a long time I was okay with that. But now, being at the edge of death I had never been, so scared.
I wish I could say my mind was empty. Full of nothing, but darkness. Though that wouldn't be true. There was fire everywhere. The scorching light surrounded me. The sky was full of smoke, and the stars shaping math equations and science theories. No constellations. Just problems. I could feel the smoke fill my lungs. On any normal day I would still be able to breathe, but that day wasn't normal. I was practically choking myself. When the urge for air grew, so did the flames. I heard screams. Familiar screams. I forced my head up and saw all my friends burn. They yelled and cried while cursing my existence.
"This is all your fault." They repeated.
"I thought we were friends!" Izzy screamed.
I held my ears,"We are." I pushed myself to say.
"Then stop!" Dipper pleaded.
"I....I. I CAN'T!" I pounded my fits against the rocky floor.
It cracked and shifted. Collapsing under the flames.
"I hate you!" Dick yelled.
It wasn't just him. It was the people I respected. The team falling into the fiery earthquake.
"NO!" I yelled coughing out dust.
The scene changed. The fire stayed, and the floor was intact. On the floor I was too shocked to grieve the death of so many. I turned my head to the sky. Where I saw Mr. Wayne towering over me. In the same suit he wore the first time we were introduced.
"Mr. Wayne?" I shuddered.
"Look at you," he snapped,"I never thought I would witness pure evil. You're nothing but a heartless, no good, stupid delinquent. You're a Monster, and I regret helping you." He hissed.
I stood up,"So what! I'm not the only person who has regrets. So Back away! Or I'll......I'll-"
"You'll what! Kill me! That's so much like you isn't it. Taking the easy way out. Go ahead." He continued.
I was stuck. My head was crossed. I wanted him to go away, yet I needed him to stay, and continue to speak his mind. I knew he was hiding the truth from me. On what he really thought I was. A freak. One the other hand I wanted to punch the living daylights out of him, and show him that the pain I inflicted him; is the pain I endure every day. Struggling to decide what to do I watched him sink threw the ground. I watched black sand rise from the ground creating a storm . I moved my hair out of my face trying to see what was saving Me from myself. Rain began to pour extinguishing the light. I was so thankful.
"Wake up." Tylea's voice burst from the storm like the wind whistling in my ears. She sounded like a crazed, demonized doll in the horror films.
"It will be better for you." She continued to suggest my doom.
"What are the odds that you would need me to save you." She said,"I'm the one this you can't get rid of because deeply you don't want me to leave. We share the same blood; therefore the same mind. I know everything about you, and what's best for you." Her words cut into my chest like knifes.
"LIAR! I DON'T NEED YOU! I WILL NEVER NEED YOU! I WILL NEVER LISTEN. I WILL NEVER WAKE UP IF THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT, SO DEAL WITH IT!" I yelled at the sky. Which in any circumstances would make me look crazy, and in desperate need of help.
Though surprise, surprise she didn't care. The sand in the sky formed into a hand reaching out to me. I wasn't stupid. I ran like hell. Though it was fast. Too fast for me though energy pumped through my veins. As if my body, ran on fear. My running seemed to last for hours. I constantly changed my direction in an attempt to shake her off, but I tripped over myself. Then disparity rolled over my shoulder as the hand increased its speed.
"Tell me,Daphne, are you afraid? " She chuckled as the hand crushed me.
I gasped back to reality. To find a green man dazed beside me, rocks everywhere, Black Canary and Batman practically beat up, and to add to that I was having a nervous breakdown.
"WHAT! NO! STOP! Wait. What? Bu bu bu bu," I turned my head," Ahhhh, Green Dude!" I wanted to get the freak away, but my hands and ankles were tied to a bed with leather straps. Basically, I was spazzing out.
"DAPHNE! Calm down!" Black Canary yelled.
I quickly looked at her and Batman.
I wheezed air in and out,"Wait. You're alive."
"Of course, I'm alive." Batman reassured,"Now calm down before you kill someone."
I did what he said. I knew he was kidding. He knew I wouldn't kill anyone, but the irony in his words made me sick to my stomach.
A few seconds later Miss Martian, Superboy, and Robin came out the doors ready for battle. Well, Miss. M was. Superboy had no shirt and wore only Superman pajama pants. Robin had a slip on shirt and his red trousers, and dark glasses with his hair shriveled and everywhere. The only weapon he held were two Bat-a-rangs and a long bo staff.
"Guys, quite down! Your going to give Hex a heart-a-attack." Canary yelled.
"To late." I said.
"You mean she's-" Robin started.
"Okay!" Miss. Martian finished and ran for a hug, but soon realize I was already occupied to the bed.
"What happen in here?" Superboy asked.
Batman and Canary exchanged looks,"Um....Martian Manhunter took his job into deep thought, so whatever he did psychologically it reacted here." Batman lied.
"That's strange Uncle J'onn isn't known for mistakes like that." Miss Martian wondered.
"Mishaps are normal my dear niece." Martian Manhunter said weakly as Miss. M helped him out.
Everything seemed, so rushed and crowded that I was clouded and tired.
Robin walked up to me, and released Me from the straps.
"Thanks," I said rubbing my wrists.
"No problem. Are you-"
"I'm fine. I just-"
"You just what?" He asked while everyone was helping Martian man out the infirmary.
I laughed half- heartedly, "This may sound stupid, but before the Joker got a hold of me. I said some really stupid stuff to my best friends. Out of everything that happen I couldn't stop thinking about them."
"I'm sure you did what you did for a reason, right?" He lead.
"Yeah, but I should have thought of another way."
"Thats where you're wrong. You were under extreme pressure. I know I wasn't there, but I were in your shoes I would have probably screwed everything up." He walked to a counter and pulled out a cream and bandages.
At first I didn't know why, but the he gently pulled my arms all the way out from under the thick covers. I had old bloody bandages on, and my wrists were red.
"Are you kidding me? The boy wonder wouldn't screw anything up." I played as he unraveled my bandages.
"And why's that?" He said trying to distract me from my arms.
"Well you're perfect." I explained.
He stopped and looked at me.
"What?" I said looking down at my arms and feeling a shock of pain. I sucked in air between my teeth.
"Nothing." He said putting the cream on my arm,"It just occurred to me that I'm described as perfect even though I'm still in my underwear." We laughed.
The cream stung, so I suggested that I do the other arm while he wraps up the right arm with the famous Joker signature. He seemed to mind, but allowed me to do the rest myself. Robin and I never really gotten along ,and I don't know if it was the concussion, but he seemed oddly familiar. I just couldn't put my finger on it.

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