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Reality depends on us. It depends one the way we see the world. But everything that we hear or see with our own eyes is not always true. Even what we think what we believe or what we understood isn't true...not atleast completely.

But that's what happened with Anirudh. The vivid image his brain had captured onto that moment made him defenseless.  He thought that he killed Aratrika's husband...Subodh Ghosh. Bondita also somewhere believed it to be true. It's natural for the them to primarily consider what they thought was ultimate truth but when Bondita gained the complete knowledge from all perspectives.Eventually a new truth came into the light...that kidnapping Aratrika was an intrigue to trap Anirudh.So that no one can help Aratrika. But their plan backfired, Subodh Ghosh lost his life because of their heinous conspiracy and the killer was none other than his step brother Mohan Ghosh. When Subodh was  going to kill Aratrika along with her unborn child..To save her Anirudh shooted Subodh. Subodh was sly enough to pulled his body away in the nick of the time and the bullet of Anirudh's gun went pass by Subodh but at the same time a bullet that had been shooted from behind entered in him.which was done by Mohan. hiding behind a tree. Which caused his death.....but they're totally unaware of that truth.

when the real truth came out everyone was in utter was Anirudh himself!

Mohan Ghosh himself confessed his crime that He did this to take revenge. because of their property confliction.

"That's all my lord"

Bondita presented all the authentic,crystal clear evidence in the court.

"Objection my lord.."Opponent attorney Sarabjit chakraborty stood up from his place. Bondita rolled her eyes...Still he wasn't done "My lord,we can't ignore the fact that Mr. Anirudh Roy Chowdhury did try to Kill someone. He intended to kill Late Mr. Subodh Ghosh by shooting him. And attempt to murderer is none bailable offence. once was unsuccessful but who knows he may try again. So,shouldn't Mr.Roy Chowdhury be punished for such a serious crime?"

"My lord..."Bondita let out a small smile "Seems like my opponent the genius attorney, Barrister Chakraborty is severely suffering from Amnesia"she remarked ever so calmly. But smirked internally at the agitated opponent lawyer. before he could object Bondita proceeded...

"For which he forgets against whom he is making such vile accusations…first of all My client Mr. Anirudh Roy Chowdhury is not any killer.."she took a pause and stepped ahead. looked at Subodh. Stated "Neither he is any ordinary man.Everyone knows this very well....."

"Objection my lord"

"Objection overruled"

Bondita smirked at her opponent attorney who seemed so frustrated at the fear of defeat.

"Thanks My lord" Bondita expressed gratitude and continued "you know and we know that....Killing does not make everyone a murderer"

The whole courtroom filled with the sounds of laughter.

"Order order"The judge banged the gavel twice commanding decorum.

"Apologies my lord. But my opponent Barrister Das is so naive and inexperienced Barrister that she doesn't know the depth of the court procedure. That's why she cracked such a joke. How funny sentence it was... "killing doesn't make everyone Killer". " Subodh somehow managed to spoke suppressing his laughter.aftet that again started laughing loudly.

"Obviously not Barrister Chakrabortyyy..."Bondita yelled furiously. taking rapid steps stood infront of Subodh. Looked into his eyes straightly with full confidence. Voiced "I didn't crack any joke Barrister chakraborty. Obviously Killing doesn't make everyone Killer.  Why?...freedom fighters of our country also killed thousands people for freedom, are still doing it...for independence . So Would you call them Killer????" Subodh's face went pale. the mocking laughter was nowhere to be seen in his appearance. pin drop silence prevailed the courtroom. everyone became aware at the depth of her words. Anirudh gazed at her bemused...with pride and admiration filled eyes on end. for her tremendous arguments. She's really a lioness!

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