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Brelius never did like Councilman Lentrin.

The man was a snake, hook nosed and more of criminal than majority of the men the Captain himself, had locked up in gaol. Lentrin was sharp witted and a swindler, like most noble of blood and that left a bad taste in the Captain's mouth.

Not only was the Captain short handed this rotation, as less Imperial soldiers had come from Lyvidsten and Isa. But now Lentrin had called in support to 'fill the gaps in manpower' for a direct quote. Well those gaps were now filled yet more mercenaries continued to come.

He hawked and spat once clear of the Councilman's court. Not able to fathom what the contemptuous man was planning. Orders directly from Lyvidsten the powerhouse in the North, were to keep the peace and as civilised men of the empire, orders were not to be questioned. The empire could little afford any uprisings considering the news. But here was Lentrin hiring mercenaries or paying watchmen to stay on past their commissions. Risvale, was just a small settlement in a large sweeping valley at the world's northern limits. Offering little strategic value other than to burn in a war of scorched earth.

Gathering fighting men, just to hole away in this far-flung corner of the empire seemed overly paranoid. Brelius felt that did not send a particularly good message. But no matter the Captain's pleas, Lentrin stood firm in this foolish resolve. Being obligated as captain, Brelius was to train the amassed levy and organise the labour for the construction of observation posts.

When the captain had asked what the men were to be observing for, Lentrin had merely responded "Any Enemy."

"What enemies?" the captain found himself snarling.

This far north there were few 'enemies'. Other than banditry and criminals there were few organised fighting forces to pose threat to Imperial rule. The rebellious spirit of the Icanii had been crushed long ago. Though knowing the tribesmen, troops amassed here could really cause Brelius a lot of bother. Desperation does funny things to ones soul. But surely the other councilmen of the Highlands, leaders equal to Lentrin, posed the largest threat when they heard of Lentrins activities.

Brelius' pace as he marched toward the barrack quarters was full of frustrated haste. He did not like to be kept in the dark on these matters. With the extra troops in Risvale and more expected to come, there were added concerns for a peacekeeper like Brelius.

The quartermaster, was insisting the food in the granaries would not feed a surplus through winter the increased number of 'outsiders' in Risvale with the mercenaries and the prospectors, Meant supplies were needed to feed this new levy if it were to last until spring. The whole debacle was an utter headache, food shortages would lead to resentment, anger and then retribution before long. He would be glad to bury this strife under a tankard of mead from Celenan later tonight. But first the men needed briefing and knowing the usual rabble, he imagined it may take a while.

The doors to the barrack suddenly flung open slamming into the cold stone wall, this is what first alerted Derenis to the captain's mood. That and a bleak, chill and bitter wind had filled the room putting out a lit torch next to the door. Which only served to darken the atmosphere further. The tired Catan soldier cursed his decision to stay on for extra pay. Money was always good, but he was beginning to miss the sun's rays upon his face and the sandy beaches of sweet Isa. Already his service had earnt him enough to buy land and build a home, but now he greedily stayed for more.

The captain was in the doorway half silhouetted against the white snow outside. Derenis noted he would also have been displeased to be out in this weather. Looking around, Derenis realised he was not the only man to have risen with the Captain's entrance, not that it was surprising. Brelius was a man fit for leadership.

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