Market Day

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Ursla loved her pony. She loved her brother too, but it was best not to show him too much of that, however this gift was exquisite. She knew the pony was not meant for her solely, but it would help her through the chores every day. Smiling to herself she walked ahead of the fine beast leading it to market. She had eagerly waited for the morning as it was market day today. Arik had given her the pony yesterday and Ursla wanted to take him to market to show off her gift.

The air was crisp and full of winter chill, but this had not hindered her decision to walk to market so early. About halfway to the palisade, a group of armed riders passed her, they seemed to be in a hurry south. But one young man did take the time to smile at her. Which she gladly reciprocated, being as the man was dark tall and handsome like a lot of the southerners compared to the Highlanders, who were certainly a lot rougher around the edges.

Now further into town Ursla veered up the east path towards farmer Ebass' holding. She knew of winter berries along the path and wished to pick some to conserve and to spoil the mare, her new friend. Realising she could not keep calling the pony "pony", she decided to name her.

"I think you shall be named Gurdy" she said to the beast, who whinnied in response

"I thought you'd like it" chuckled Ursla.

The steppe pony had certainly taken to her, Ursla thought it to do with their similar dispositions. Then she chuckled, "I can be a bit bossy too can't I!" the pony snorted this time. Ursla's mood was certainly much warmer than the weather.

Rauln had not enjoyed this morning's labour. Very few of the local woodsmen had joined the mercenary band and they now found themselves partaking in the felling and preparing of timber. Exhausted already, Rauln was relieved when Falco the mercenary leader sent him and three others back to Risvale market for aid and supplies. Hopefully, they would entice some more help, because as it currently stood the completion of watchtowers was going to take a month, hence the supplies. But the three men who accompanied him, Francis, Corvell and Ike were not Rauln's favourite people in this world.

All three of them came from poor blood and were previously known for questionable behaviour, unfitting of the Auxilia but certainly not of mercenaries. Rauln cursed his luck, not only was he to be responsible for the three, but the hiring and supplies too.

"Well at least I'm not toiling with lumber and axe instead" he thought to himself. Risvale was not too far from the planned positions of the watchtowers and their horses were swift. It wasn't long before the smoke plumes from conical rooftops came into view.

"Let us slow down lads, the longer we take the less chopping we have to do today!" said Rauln to the others, who all nodded in response.

"Might find m'self a little local ride while 'ere then" came a filthy suggestion from Corvell, the other two just chuckled in agreement with Rauln shaking his head at the thought. How could a proud member of the Galand Auxilia associate with these brigands, all Rauln could do is sigh.

Had he been too hasty to join a mercenary band? Falco's Band of Brethren had been the first he had encountered after his Auxilia commission was rescinded early. Rauln had only been in service a year and his father would be disappointed at the lack of gold or glory. Traditionally Galand's first born men of noble class went through the Auxilia officer training to cement loyalty to the Empire.

Rauln would be a laughingstock back home with no glory or wealth. Consequently, the urge to avoid shame and destitution had seen him sign up to continue the fight. Not that he had the chance to see any fighting since joining the Band of Brethren. All they had managed was to clear a couple of bandit camps on their six-month journey north. Being an officer was out of the question now, in the "Band of Brethren" everyone is equal except Falco. So, the coinage was slim.

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