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You're laying on your bed watching TV waiting for your boyfriend to be done with streaming. You can hear him constantly yelling and can't help but giggle.

You watched as your boyfriend walked into the room and smiled at you; you smiled back.

"How was your stream??" You asked with a yawn.

"It was great. Tommy kept taking my shit though." You giggled.

"Typical Tommy."

"Yeah. Do you want some food?? I can go pick some up." He sat down on the side of the bed and gave you a peck on the lips.

"Umm, no. I'm not hungry right now." You smiled.

"Are you sure love? You said that this morning, I think you should eat something." He looked at you with worry in his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just don't feel like eating right now."

"Alright. Well I'ma gonna go get food. I'll be back in about 30 minutes." He stood up from the bed and walked over to the bedroom door grabbing his keys.

"Okay, love you."

"I love you too." He blew you a kiss and walked out the door.

As you heard the front door open and shut you sighed with relief. Your eyes felt heavy as you yawned again. You grabbed the remote and turned the TV  off before setting it next to you. You rolled over and shut your eyes to drift to sleep.


You woke up to Wilbur entering the room. Once your vision focused you looked at him and smiled groggily.

"Hey love. How was your nap?" He set the food down on the desk and sat on the bed.

"Good." He kissed you on your forehead as you said that.

"That's good. I know you said you aren't hungry but I picked you up something anyways." He looks at you and smiles. Your smile faded.

"You didn't have to do that."

"Yeah, I know but you might be hungry later so I picked something up just in case."

"Alright, thank you. I love you.." you grinned.

"I love you too."

It was quiet for a moment before you spoke.

"Do you..." You didn't know how to ask the question without it sounding rude. Your eyes went glossy and they watered.

"Are you okay love??" He rubbed your back in a manner to comfort you.

"Do you actually love me?" The question came out fast and quiet but apparently Wilbur had heard you.

He was quiet for a while, to stunned to speak. You started to feel even worse. As he noticed this, he spoke.

"Why... Why would you ask that. Of course I do! Why do you think I don't love you??.."

"How would you love... This." You gesture the you and your body.

"Y/n... I love every part of you, head to toes... I have a question though." You hummed in response to tell him to ask the question.

"Are you not eating cause... You think you're... Fat?" The question was blunt and you know you couldn't avoid it.

"No, why would you think that. I just told you, I'm not hungry."

"Baby, I just want you to know that I don't care what you look like. I think you're perfect the way you are." You smiled but didn't believe him.

"Okay, but I promise I'm fine. Just not hungry." You smiled at him again and gave him a peck on the lips before getting up to take a shower.

"Where are you going???" He always had to know what you were doing or where you were going. It something you loved about him.

"I'm taking a shower." You left it at that and walked into your shared bathroom.

You shut and locked the doors. Once you turned the water on you started to undress. You looked at yourself in the mirror and a uncomfortable look spreads across your face. You've always hated the way you looked, especially now that your older your even more self conscious.

You got into the shower and started washing your hair. When you got out you realized that you didn't bring any clothes with you. Your only option was to ask Wilbur and that's what you did.

"Hey Wil!!" After a second your heard him answer.


"I forgot to grab clothes!"

"Alright!" He stopped talking so you assumed he was grabbing your clothes. After about a minute you heard a knock on your door, you opened it slightly to grab the clothes and hid behind the door.

"Thank you Wil."

"No problem love." You shut the door and sighed. You looked at the clothes he had grabbed you. A dress?! Why would he grab that??



"Why did you grab a dress."

You heard footsteps walk up to the bathroom door.

"Because, I think you would look beautiful in it." You can hear his smile as he spoke.

"Wil, no I wont. Please grab me a t-shirt and sweats."

"Can you at least try it on?"

You sighed and hummed in agreement.

You put the dress on and looked at yourself in the mirror. You cringed.

"Can you show me."

"What?! No why?"

"Y/n... You're beautiful. Quit telling yourself your not. I promise you are."

"Your just trying to make me feel better..." Tears came to your eyes again.

"Love..." You could hear the pain in his voice, like he was about to cry. "I think you're perfect."

"..." You opened the door slowly. Wilbur just stood there staring in awe. You were gonna shut the door when Wilbur held it open.

"Love, you look wonderful."

"Are you sure.?"

"I'm 100 percent sure."

You didn't know weather to believe him but he sounded sincere. You smiled softly and walked out of the bathroom. Wil followed right behind you.


Words: 1021
Published: August 24th, 2022

So this is a new book. It was requested by AnnaRogers539 . I know you said a Oneshot is fine but I might do a couple chapters cause I have a few ideas 😄

I'm sorry it took awhile to be out, I had to think of ideas. I hope you like it so far 🥺

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