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You walked over to the bed and sat down.

"Hey y/n??" He started.

"Yeah, what's up??"

"Do you want to go with me to Tubbo's? His parents are going out of town and he wants someone to hang out with." Oh.

"Who's all gonna be there??"

"Tubbo, Ranboo, Tommy, me and maybe you."

"The thing is, Tubbo doesn't really like me." It's true. Whenever you were around Tubbo he would give you dirty looks and would trash talk you. Even though he denies it, you know he does.

"What do you mean? Of course he does. You guys talk all the time."

I can't tell him. I don't want his and Tubbo's friendship to be ruined because of me.

"You're right. Maybe I'm just overthinking." You smiled at him and agreed to go. "When?"

"Later today."

"Alright, how long are we staying??"

"About a week." A week. This is gonna go bad, I already know it. (Hella foreshadowing)

"Okay, I'll pack." I got up and headed to the closet. I packed t-shirts and pants. Nothing special. I went to the bathroom and grabbed the essentials. "I'm done."

"Alright. I'll start packing too. We'll take off in an hour since it takes about 30 minutes to get to him."

"Okay." About 10 minutes later when Wil was packed we headed out to the car. Wil was driving cause you still have yet to get your driver's license.

The whole ride there you were anxious, worried that Tubbo was gonna be the same jerk he's always been. You've never understood why he hated you so much, you've done nothing but be nice to him.

"Hey, are you okay??" Wil put a hand on your thigh as he asked you the question. Was it obvious that you were anxious??

"Yeah? Why are you asking?"

"You seem stressed. Are you sure you still want to go. I can take you back."

"No no, we're already more than halfway there."

"Are you sure? I really don't mind love." He is always so kind.

"Yes I'm sure." You smiled even though he couldn't see it.

About 15 minutes later you were at your destination. You got out of the car and grabbed yours and Wilbur a bag out of the car.

"I was gonna grab my bag." He looked at you pouting. You giggle and kept walking with his bag. "Hey come back, I can carry my bag, it's my job."

"To bad, I have it." You chuckled and turned around to look at him. He ran twords you, whilst you started running from him. His tall ass caught up quickly and grabbed your bag.

"Hey!" You pouted as he raised the bag up so you couldn't grab it. It grabbed your waist with one hand and kissed you.

"Now I have it."

"Whatever." He chuckled. As you two started approaching the door, Ranboo came out to great you.

"Hey guys." You smiled and ran over to Ranboo hugging him. Ranboo was like a brother to you.

"Hey Ranboo." You both giggled and he hugged you. Tommy came out screaming. What's new.

"Y/NNN!!!" You stopped hugging Ranboo and went over to Tommy to hug him.

"Tommmyyyy!!!" You giggled and hugged him.

After backing up from Tommy you looked around and saw all of the guys looking down at you.

Insecurities (Discontinued For Now)Where stories live. Discover now