Chapter 1

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First day back after the Christmas holiday. Fuck my life. School sucks for me, the other students hate me and so do the teachers - apart from my math teacher and my brother, Luther, who is the boys gym teacher. This term, I've been forced by the school to take a language. It's not as if I need to, I'm already fluent in all languages, but the school doesn't know that. They don't know about a lot of things. About a week before my return to school, I made the decision to join the Russian class because that's one of the first languages my Father taught me and my siblings. 

So, back to why most of the teachers hate me: I'm a shitty student. I'm not just saying that, I know because that's what I try to be. I used to be a good student, handing in work on time, listening in class, not skipping lessons. That's the old me though, and she died about a year ago. Do you want to know why? I'll tell you. My mother died. She was killed. And it was my fault. Nobody at school knows about it, my Father said we couldn't show weakness, so now everyone thinks I'm acting out for no reason. And, let me tell you, that's not an amazing position to be in.

So, this morning I'm walking with three of my brothers towards a place I like to call prison. Although I hate it, it's a nice escape from home. You're probably wondering who the other two brothers are at this point. You've already been introduced to Luther, the one that works at the school, he walks to school with me. The other two are Five and Ben. Five is older than Luther, but the government don't believe him so he's forced to attend school with me. Ben... well, he's a ghost. Yes, I can see and speak to the dead, get over it - I have other abilities too though. Five sometimes speaks to me at school, but that's usually to pick a fight if and when he gets bored. Lucky for me, Ben's by my side all the time, so at least I have one friend.

"I'm going to go in," Luther says, "you guys coming?"

Five rolls his eyes and stalks off to his group of dodgy friends.

Luther turns to me, "Okay then, are you coming with me Sasha?" 

"No, I think I'll get some breakfast at the coffee shop, then I'll just go to my first lesson."

"Right." he raises his eyebrows at me, "What lesson do you have first again?"

"Russian." I mutter. I know he's going to e-mail my teacher to make sure that I turned up.

"And you have PE after lunch," he tells me, "Your class is on at the same time as the boys', so i'll see you then." I roll my eyes. "Also, your usual teacher went on maternity leave at the end of last term, so one of the other teachers will be filling in for her for a while."

"Fine, whatever." I huff and walk towards the coffee place.


I arrive at the café and order a black coffee with a rice cake then I go to sit at a table in the far corner and wait for my things. After I get my coffee, I take my phone from out of my pocket and my laptop from my bag along with two pairs of ear plugs. Logging into my laptop, I plug in one set of ear plugs and put one of the buds into my left ear. I take a sip of my coffee then I do the same with my phone - putting the bud into my right ear. Perfect, it's all set up. 

I check through my phone notifications. There's a couple of messages from my brother Klaus:

6:58 - Klaus: Hey, Sash. Do you remember where I put my weed?

7:13 Klaus: Nevermind, found it.

I message back.

7: 51 - Me: First of all, you shouldn't be doing drugs anymore, we've been over this. Second of all, where did you find it? I thought I did a good job of hiding it this time.

I peek in my bag to check it's still there, he's bluffing.

7:52 - Klaus: Yeh, but I really want it. Also, I didn't find the drugs and you're a bitch for hiding them, I found my vodka under your bed though. Have a good day at school. Love you lots xxx

7:52 - Me: Love you too Klaus xx

Well, I guess that happened. 

I also have a message from Mr Gold, who is the manager of Gold records. Yesterday I sent him the recordings of two more songs that I'd written.

7:18 - Goldie: Hey, the songs were awesome!! I had a meeting with the board yesterday ... Instantly approved!! They were released on Spotify last night. Let me know when you have more songs, I'm excited to hear what you come up with next!!

7:56 - Me: That's awesome!! Thanks Goldie x

7:56 - Goldie: Stop calling me that. Also, Belle and I are getting married next month, do you wanna come to the wedding? If you do, could you play a song for us? If you end up coming, I'll make all the guests sign NDAs so that your identity stays safe. Unless, by then you've decided to ditch 'The Phoenix' and actually be Sasha Volkov.

7:58 - Me: Awww, Goldie!! I'd love to be at your wedding! Of course I'll play a song for you and Belle. And, about the name thing, I'll see how it goes xx

I switch off my phone and start laying down the base for my next song on the laptop, drinking my coffee as I go. I think about eating, but I can't bring myself to do it. Finishing my coffee, I look at the time. If I want to make it to my first class on time, I'll have to leave now. With that thought in my mind, I carry on working on the backing music for the song. I don't want to be on time, especially since I actually have to turn up. 

Fifteen minutes later, I slowly pack up my things and head towards the school. Entering the building, I do a few laps of the corridors before pulling a dark grey hoodie over my head, flipping the hood up and walking into the classroom. 

"Excuse me?" a stern voice asks, "Are you in my class?"

I turn to face the voice. Holy shit. She's fucking beautiful. She has red curls cascading down her back and over her shoulders, only just reaching her shoulder-blades. It contrasts beautifully with her forest-green eyes and golden skin. She's wearing a cream silk shirt with the top button undone, if I look at just the right angle, I can see the black lace of her bra peaking through. She's wearing a pair of black dress-pants secured with a belt, the shape of them really flatters her ass. Actually, no. It's the other way around. Her ass flatters the pants. She's also wearing blood-red killer heels that match the lipstick painted onto her perfect lips. God. Fuck me please. 

"Is this Russian?" I question, pretending i'm not phased. She nods her head curtly, raising an eyebrow. "Then i'm in the right place." I say firmly.

"Did you get lost?" Sympathy flashes across her face for a second.

"No, I wasn't lost." I say simply.

"Right." She huffs, "Sit down. You're already twenty-five minutes late. I want you to stay behind when class is over."

I slump down in a chair on the right side of the class in the middle row. 

Great. Just fucking great.

A/N: Soooo, what do you think? Good or bad? Would you like me to carry this on? What would you like to see happen? Let me know 

~ Soph x 

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