Chapter 1 : Welcome To The Classroom Of The Elite

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The sensation of falling.

The sensation I feel on my skin as the wind violently envelopes my whole body.

The exhilarating experience I felt as I look down on what's below me.


No matter where I look, it's all covered in darkness.

There's no way this is real.

That's what I've been telling myself all this time.

However, the sensation I've been feeling says otherwise.

I sigh.

It looks like I truly lost my mind.

Well, any sane person will question their sanity if they suddenly find themselves falling endlessly into a dark abyss.

I can't even estimate how many hours it has been since I woke up in this place.

At that time, countless emotions ran over me after I found myself in such a peculiar situation.

Fear, Surprise, Confusion, Anxiety.


"When will this end?"

I asked as I once again turn my gaze back towards the bottom of the abyss.

And that's where I saw it.

As if answering my question, I saw a light.

It's faint but I can see it.

I can see it getting brighter and brighter as I continue to fall down.

I reached out my hand.

The blinding light now entered my field of vision.


The light completely engulfs me.


I felt the sensation of something hard hitting my head. While countless voices from all directions suddenly entered my ears.

The sound of voices around me starts to overlap with each other.


"Nice to meet you."

"Hey! Nice to see you again dude!"

"You bastard! I can't believe I have to put up with your ugly face all over again."


"This school is great isn't it?"

I grabbed my head at the sudden noise.

"My head hurts like hell." I muttered.

"Are you okay?"

Among the countless voices I heard, a feminine voice laced with sweetness entered my ears.

It's directed to me.

I slowly opened my eyes.

The bright light entered my vision once again and after a while, my eyes finally adjusted.

The fuzzy figure in front of me slowly but surely became clear.

Her short beige-colored hair and gradient crimson eyes stared directly into mine.

Her face, albeit beautiful, is full of worry.

My eyes widen in recognition.

I gulp.

It's a face I know all too well. But... Why is she...

Perhaps noticing that I'm not answering her, her eyes continue to stare at me with concern.

I averted my eyes, I still don't know what the hell is happening here.
So instead of answering her, I merely gave her a weak nod as I looked around my surroundings to better ascertain the situation I'm in.

It looks like I'm inside a classroom. The chatter I heard from earlier must be because of the students here.

If that's the case, am I still dreaming? It's the only plausible explanation. I must have been too engrossed on my reading habits that it even carried into this dream of mine.

I say that but something feels off. Just like earlier, this feels way too real. All of my senses seems to work just like how it would in the real world. It's way too realistic to be a lucid dream. I rubbed my temple. Even now, my head's still hurting.

"Hey? Are you really okay?"

Her worried voice reached my ears once again as I turn my attention back to her.

"Ye-yeah I'm fine. Thanks for asking."

"Are you sure?"

"Really, I'm grateful for the concern but I'm fine. Just need to take some rest." I said, reassuring her.

However judging from the way she's looking at me. It seems like she's still not convinced.

"Do you perhaps need to go to the infirmary?"

I shook my head.

"There's no need, really. It's not that severe."

Upon hearing this, I don't know what happened but, all of a sudden she visibly looks down.

"You really don't need my help?" she asked me one last time with pleading eyes.

This is not good.

Almost all student present here are now looking at our direction. And by the way she is behaving, it will end really badly for me if I don't do anything about this soon.

I cleared my throat.

"Well, I really don't need any help right now but... "

I pulled out my phone and held it out to her. Hopefully, she'll know what I mean and act accordingly to what I expect her to do.

Seeing my gesture, an angelic smile can be seen on her beautiful face as she nodded vigorously.

She took my phone and entered her contact information while humming a sweet tune.

"Done! Text me whenever you need my help okay?" With that, she merrily handed my phone back to me before walking towards the door.

However just as she was about to step out of the room, her head stared towards the ceiling as if remembering something.

"Oh right! How rude of me. I forgot to introduce myself." saying this, the girl fixed herself before turning around and once again looking at me.

"My name's Kushida Kikyō. Nice to meet you!"

Classroom Of The Elite x Male Reader (Volume 1)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat