Chapter 3 : Infirmary

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As I was looking at Kushida's departing figure, my eyesight suddenly started getting a little blurry.

The physical and mental exhaustion that I have been ignoring since earlier seems to have reached it's limit.

I really need to get in the infirmary fast. Right now, the blurriness is not that severe to the point that I cannot see where I'm going. But that doesn't mean I'll wait until it is.

I pushed myself up from my seat as I held my head with my left hand.

Ever since I woke up in this place, stress and fatigue slowly accumulated and just like now if untreated, it will eventually affect my well being.

Pulling my phone out, I searched for the school's layout to find where the infirmary is. With that, I headed off towards the infirmary.


The journey is anything but easy as halfway towards my destination, my vision worsens and the blurriness intensified.

"I need to calm myself down." I said to myself as I squint my eyes and glanced around the area.

After seeing a possible temporary solution, I sighed in relief.

Next to me is the men's bathroom. If I'm not mistaken, all this blurriness can be attributed to stress. And as I'm still not clear about my current situation, confusion and anxiety clearly took over.

With that in mind, I entered the men's bathroom.

The usual bathroom mirror greeted me as I walk towards it.

Staring at my blurry reflection, I reached down towards the water tap and let it ran for a few seconds.

Soon after, the sound of running water revebrates throughout the bathroom.

I heaved a long sigh.

After everything that has happened. I don't know what to think anymore.

Let's just get this over with. I really want to rest right now.

Looking down, I placed both my hands under the running water as I splashed it across my face.

The cold sensation of water being splashed on my face is enough for me to regain some clarity and helped wash some of my stress and fatigue away.

My eyesight also returned to normal.

"Let's hurry to the infirmary." I said as I turn off the water and left the room.

A few minutes have passed after I exited the bathroom before finally, I have arrived at the long awaited school infirmary.

Standing in front of the door, I can't help but feel elated at the thought of finally having a rest from all these unexpected experiences.

Knock, knock

Grabbing the doorknob with my hand, I slowly opened the door.

I saw the teacher in charge of the infirmary preparing to leave but stopped as she noticed my presence.

"Oh? A student? What brings you here? The entrance ceremony will begin soon. Are you feeling unwell?"

Having been exhausted all this time, I simply nodded my head. The teacher looked at me with concern.

"I see. Sit on the bed over there as I examine what's wrong with you." She said as I follow her instructions.

After a thorough examination, the teacher found out about my condition and told me to rest for the time being.

It seems that it was really stress that caused this coupled with both physical and mental exhaustion, I'm really in bad shape right now.

"Just take a rest today. I'll inform your homeroom teacher about your condition."

I just nodded my head. She already asked me about my basic informations earlier when she was inspecting me so she already knew who my adviser was and what class and year I am in.

Looking at the time, the teacher continued.

"I need to go now. Follow my instructions okay? It's for your own good."

With that, the infirmary lady left the room. Perhaps to get ready for the upcoming entrance ceremony.

"Well whatever, I'm too exhausted to think about anything right now."

I lied down on the soft hospital bed.

This is when I realized just how exhausted I really am. Just feeling the soft mattress on my back is enough to make me almost lose my consciousness.

This feeling...

It's so comfortable.

I closed my eyes while having a relaxed smile on my face.

Finally, after everything that has happened so far, I can finally take my well-deserved rest.

From waking up in this world, and seeing fictional characters face to face, I'm almost certain that I will lose my sanity if it continued with the way I am now.

And while it may just be wishful thinking.

Maybe, just maybe. This is all just a dream. And after waking up, I'll find myself back in the real world. Having tea and spending my time reading leisurely.

With that, my thoughts finally came together as I feel myself getting lost in the bed's comfortable embrace as I slowly but surely fell asleep.

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